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Hi all

Im in need of some advice, In my road there is a cat problem, the little f :censored: keep using my garden as a toilet, ive managed to scare most of the cats away, however there seems to be 2 little :censored: that still use my garden of a night time, these ones watch my hens as they lick their lips, steal food from the larsen trap and attack my magpie when i have one.

Im very tempted to use my 12 g on them, but i dont want to lose my Shotgun licence.

HELP international rescue :boxing:

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Fireman, you've just confirmed my worst fears about you.   Here are some basic facts that everyone should be aware of:   You are not entitled to shoot cats, unless you can prove, categorically,

A cat remains the property of it's owner until such time as the owner relinquishes ownership, or the cat becomes feral. There is no legal precident that I'm aware of to confirm what 'feral' actually

Born Hunter; I do not know of a law which prevents you catching a cat in a cage and then releasing it, but care should be taken to ensure that the welfare of the animal is not compromised for the dura

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get yourself a product called "get orf my garden" its a green crystal type stuff, that'll keep them from shiting in certain areas, do they have collars/name tags?

do you know who they belong too, if so, bag up whatever they leave behind and return (nicely) to the owner

with any form of pest control, you need to prove that you have tried every method of control starting at the simplest,

try leaving a hose pipe/sprayer rigged up, to give the cats a blast if you see them, they soon learn, like any animal, you need to be consistant



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You can get battery powered sonic cat deterrent devices. These are advertised in a lot of the shooting sports magazines, also gardening and bird mags. Try www.conceptresearch.co.uk for a start. These really do work according to the ads. I have experience with a mouse device, this is placed in a shed, previously full of mice. We have not had one in a trap since installing the sonic. I would definitely have a "Catwatch" in the garden, if we had a problem like you. As only the odd cat passes through,because of the dogs I suppose, there is no need.

Got to be cheaper than getting in trouble with your first plan!!

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Thanks for the advice so far, some i will ignore others i will take on board. i know what cats do it and i know where their owner lives, one is my next door neigbour ( but she insists that HER cat dont shit in my garden :hmm::feck: ) and they other owner is unapporchable as she is my ex., i cant have a dog as ive not got the room for one and i feel it will be wrong to have a dog when ive not got the space it needs. they sh£^ in the front garden mainly, ive tired those green gel stuff, but will try again tho.


Thanks for the replies.

chris :boogie:

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I asked this very same thing a while back, cat sh#t all over my front and back garden at one point i didnt even let my kids play in their own garden :thumbdown:

I got alot of people saying shoot them, poison them, set dogs on them etc etc and even tho i didnt and would`nt do this i can understand why some people do, there comes a point when you get fed up of cleaning other peoples cat sh#t off your kids shoes or your carpet when it gets stepped in etc.


In the end i got 2 sonic thingies that didnt seem to work at first so i cleaned off the lawns and washed them with a hose then put down those green gel granules and combined it works in limiting it but hasnt stopped it altogether


2x sonic things about £50-60 with new 9v batterys about every 2 months

and about £10 of gel granules a month


it isnt cheap :censored::wallbash:


it does piss me off as they are not my cats but with so many people around here having them what can you do, the lady 2 doors down has 5 of the things and i did consider putting a bill through her door but its not just her cats and also she signs for my parcels when i`m not in so i didnt want to fall out with her :whistling:


sorry i cant be more help but i think this is about all you can do without breaking the law.

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Go to your local zoo and pick up a load of lion/tiger/leopard droppings and spread is around the perimeter of your garden. Works like magic :thumbs:



so, instead of "little shits" around your garden, you'll have piles of "big shits" instead......nice :thumbs:

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Guest thebusiness

Go to your local zoo and pick up a load of lion/tiger/leopard droppings and spread is around the perimeter of your garden. Works like magic :thumbs:



so, instead of "little shits" around your garden, you'll have piles of "big shits" instead......nice :thumbs:


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Silenced pellet gun,head shot problem over or a live catch trap baited with cat food,then as before :gunsmilie: .

Ignore the above, you will loose your licences if you get caught plus it's more hastle then it's worth. My JRT willingly attacks cats if they are in the garden. If the cat isn't intelligent enough to run away and confronts up to it then it deserves a good shock by the dog. Plus, as fair as I'm aware there is nothing that can be done if your dog attacks someone's cat if it's in your garden. Don't quote me on that but as fair as I'm aware that is true. I'm sure someone on here will know. I don't have any problems with cats anymore because of the dog.

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How are they getting in? Electric fence on top of the fence could work if they're jumping it. Warn the neighbours though!!!




Good idea but if the cats on the fence it wont be earthed and so wont get shocked


Ummm, I'd thought of that, it'll be fine as long as he keeps the fence wet... :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface:



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There is a product called ' Silent Roar' which can be purchased from many garden centres/shops basically it is lion dung and has got high nitrate levels in it cats hate it they wont come now were near, solved the problem with them visiting my garden they are like little pellets which last for a longer period than the green gel stuff once you start noticing the pellets had degraded simply scatter some more but use the gloves provided, and its not to expensive either, another thing i tried to is them cat spikes that you can get for walls and fences simply bury in ground were they use as toilet, and when they begin scratching surface will get pricked and go off some were else ( probably you neighbours garden but hey it wont be yours) Hope this helps

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