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Size of Molehills.

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Hi all,

Just doing some research on mole trapping, before I start.

Am I right in assuming that there are usually only a pair of moles to a group of hills? On the land I will be working on there are some massive hills,ie 18" across and about 10" high. Is this the results of nursery making, or do they have JCB,s down there.


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i would say a deep tunnel by the sound of it but if its in wet ground it could be a nest,dig into the hill there will be tunnels in it and dry grass in the middle you will now then if it is a nest or not

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Furdy, do you have a problem with my original post. the only condition for me getting shooting rights is to try and clear the moles. As a newbie, which you where at one time,the best way to get info is to ask questions.



Apologies if I sounded flipant. No I dont have a problem with your original post. I'm just a little sceptical about a new member raising a question about something that has been fiercly debated over the past few weeks.


I have no problem at all with anyone who trades a service of any kind for sporting permission. I'm sure thats how most people start into fieldsports, there are plenty who I know that would run errands for the local keeper as kids in return for some ferreting or ratting permission.


If you have a look back through the last few pages of threads you'll probably find as much information about molecatching as you're likely to be given. Try to understand it from the viewpoint of the people here who earn a living from molecathing, either fully or for some as a significant part of their income a certain times of the year. You wouldn't take your car to the garage and ask them to show you how to mend it, or ask kfc for 'the colonels' secret recipe so you can make your own hot wings!!


You can find out the basics by mooching around on the internet, there are a couple of dedicated molecathing sites, or you can buy quite reasonably a dvd or book t get you started but what you learn will only be a scratch on the surface. You need to get out there and get amongst the moles. You'll figure out more for yourself by having a go.


I hope you gain your permission and enjoy a good few seasons. Good luck to you.

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Anyone interested in catching moles for a living...find a better way to make money thats my advise, fook moleing 24/7 laugh.gif


icon_eek.gif Feck all wrong with being a Mole Trapper,..it has never effected me.... blink.gif


And financially,...I've done realy, realy well.... thumbs.gif




You sure its never affected you chalky whistling.giftongue2.gif

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