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Another session today

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well done there.

i was out with the missus yesterday and tried a few spots on lough erne on the way to enniskillen but no joy.

she caught her first ever fish today and it was a salmon. so between the two of us we got 3 salmon this week ;) (all put back in of coarse)

any way we have a boat booked for saturday on lower lough erne so that should be interesting, never fished that end of it before.

will keep you all posted.


nice pike ;)



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Fair play to the other half :thumbs:


I am planning on fishing around Leitrim on Tuesday for Pike, not to sure which lake to fish yet, but I am looking at the northren end of Lough Allen, fished it many years ago and had some good Pike, so lets see what happens.


Good luck on ur trip to the lower erne :thumbs:

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nice fish irish lurcher :clapper: good luck on the erne niall fermanagh does have good fishing in it :thumbs: Nicole



thanks mochara, yeah i'm from fermanagh originally. i love lough erne but it is a lot of the smaller loughs that are hidden away that are worth the fishing, its just that the access does not always be easy to get at them.



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