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You aint gonna believe this

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This is either one f'kin ell of a coincidence or the following has been a curse in disguise :tongue2:


is there no sector they wont try!!!!! makes my blood boil,they own over 60% of the market and announced pre tax profits in the billions,and now theyre moving into the optics market! they wont be happy till theyve put all the competition out of business,i stopped shopping there last year and use morrisons instead.i bet the 'tesco value scope ' will sell millions but it just still aint right!!!!! :(


then FishFish's next post made us all giggle :yes: he had misread the post and posted the following :


please disregard my last post i thaught it said tesco not tasco.



Well, it appears that TESCO not Tasco ARE moving in on the Airgunning scene :icon_eek:

Or should I say they are Trying to move in on MY airgunning scene :thumbdown:


I just got a local newsletter from the oposition to the current bunch of morons in charge of the country :yes:


The headline is "Tesco's for Brough?"


Yep they are to apply to East Riding of Yorkshire Council for planning permission to stick up a large store including 2 non food units right outside the gate of my cemetery permission.

Can you imagine how many times the Police are going to be called by people doing their shopping?

Even though I stick Warning signs on the gates.




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You'll probably be best ringing the plodshop and informing them that you'll in the cemetary doing some legal vermin control and to expect calls from the busy-body public, this will probably help the police and not waste their time coming out with the armed response team..



John :)

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Yeah, mind you Tesco's have gotta get Permission 1st.

They will put at least 2 other supermarkets out of business here if they do :yes:

I walk past the local Police station everytime I go to the permission and the local boys n girls know me :whistling:

I had the force copter over me on a few occasions when I 1st started the Cemetery permission and a couple of times when I've been doing the Paddock next door to the cemy.





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Would'nt worry to much yet P...here in Sunderland the old Vaux brewery site has been barren for over 10 yrsicon_eek.gif Tesco were going to build a mega superstore on it however enough palms were'nt greased(probalies) so don't get to worried yet.....However if it does get built you've still got your legal permission to shoot so just carry on matey because i certainly wouldgunsmilie.gif

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Hi Andy,


I plan to :yes:

The bunnies aint gonna stop burrowing under the graves unless I keep feeding em lead nuggets :thumbs:


Who knows, I may even get permission to do the rats on the proposed site :hmm: (its a Market Garden and Growers Packaging centre at the moment)



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Hiya Tony.


I must say, I have found Tesco's to be a real pleasure to shop in.

They keep their prices keen, and you are sure to buy quality good's.

They have a friendly approach to all of their customers, and are always ready to help.

I admire how they have diversified in the consumer market too.

I do a lot of reading, and the book's they are now selling are such value.


























Here's a book I purchased recently :tongue2::tongue2::D












Bill :bye:

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Hiya Tony.


I must say, I have found Tesco's to be a real pleasure to shop in.

They keep their prices keen, and you are sure to buy quality good's.

They have a friendly approach to all of their customers, and are always ready to help.

I admire how they have diversified in the consumer market too.

I do a lot of reading, and the book's they are now selling are such value.




Here's a book I purchased recently :tongue2: :tongue2: :D





Bill :bye:


Bill that is



:bad: :bad: :bad:




Wonder if they would sell bunnies, I could get rich :hmm:


Edited by Phantom
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Hiya Tony.


I must say, I have found Tesco's to be a real pleasure to shop in.

They keep their prices keen, and you are sure to buy quality good's.

They have a friendly approach to all of their customers, and are always ready to help.

I admire how they have diversified in the consumer market too.

I do a lot of reading, and the book's they are now selling are such value.




Here's a book I purchased recently :tongue2: :tongue2: :D





Bill :bye:


Bill that is



:bad: :bad: :bad:




Wonder if they would sell bunnies, I could get rich :hmm:





Hi Tony.


Noooo....not Twisted, rather an art form, but it does confirm what I say about quality products.

For example..take that chair/stool thats in the picture ....made to last that is..... not sure if cushions are supplied or extra, cant see one in the picture?? :hmm:



They are known for their large meat section :whistling: ......so you may have some luck with supplying them with Bunnies, certainly worth a try buddy.









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