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We had an early am start!

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Hi every one

Chaz & I had a trip over to east hanney Oxfordshire!

I took the AAS410K .177 & chaz took his Falcon Light hunter .177

The day before I had purchased another mamba scope 4-16X50 and decided to try it out on me .177, and I put the other mamba 3-12x44 on the AAS410K .22 and had a zero session in my garden to which I got with in reason. So I knew a bit of tweaking was in order when we got to the permission!


I had arranged for chaz to pick me up @ 4:30am so we would be there before sun up!

But guess who slept in, YES ME! :doh: So we ended up getting there for 6:00am,

And first on the list was a zero session which went well. Till I took my first shot of the morning and missed! By 4 mildot quick scratch of the head and a quick check on scope, mounts, moderator, pellets, and nothing wrong there! So back for a zero check and got it sorted! By this time chaz was already 4 bunnies up, and some great shooting by him too! :thumbs:


On our way back up chaz spotted a bunny by the hedge line, which was on my side so this was a confidence booster shot! Cross hairs locked THWACK! It just slumped forward. Then chaz & I both spotted the other 2 raise there heads! THWACK!! THWACK!!! 3 bunnies’s in about 12/15 seconds what a confidence boost!


Then we pick up and head back on around the perimeter, another is spotted under a hedge. Up rises the AAS410K .177 cross hairs on the kill zone THWACK!!!!





Another one bites the dust! After being in this field for a while we decided to go have a look around in the small orchard just around the corner!


We pulled up in to the field, we was in there about half an hour and a pigeon decides to land in a tree right in front of me( how rude! ) :o but by this time I had got the handycam on and was ready for some scopecam shooting. I had ranged it at 39yds with my guntuff range finder (with new! blue peter dust cap) :D turned every thing on and zoomed in and this is the result,must excuse my excitement AGAIN!

but shooting this way is addictive! :laugh:

Pigeon footage!




Dropped like a stone!


Chaz also had got another in the orchard as well, and tings started to go a bit quiet so we went around to the horse paddocks, just a 5 minute drive if that! We have 2 permissions at east hanney and with in 600yds of each other, so very handy if all goes quiet as it did!

As we pulled in to the paddock we did see a few bunnies out, so that was a good sign.


Chaz went to his favourite sniping spot and I went to mine! As I was going to mine I could see a bunny on the fence line so started to stalk it, with in range! As I was getting closer something was up with this bunny, so on a closer look I could see it was in the early stages of mixy! And it was ranged @ 49yds so poi was crucial as always! As this bunny need suffer no more. And here is the result!


49 yd footage!



where it fell




After this deed was done, I carried on for a mooch and spotted another 3 bunnies out.

But well out of range, so the stalk was on but they had seen me and went to ground a bit sharpish .as I carried on I got my self within range of the area where they were, and led down in a prone position. Bi-pod open scopecam on and waited then 3 bunny’s came bouncing out of the hedge and one ran straight for me, and stopped about 3 meters in front of me.

I could clearly see it was in some distress, I have to say it took me a back some what. :(

And as it was to close to shoot I jut carried on videoing it as I was all over come sorrow for this bunny ,as it looked like it was waiting for me to put it out of its misery. :(




But I did feel for it and did not want to shoot it as it was far to close and I didn’t want it injured and run off, to suffer more pain :thumbs: . As all these emotions for this bunny had me fixed on it, the other 2 were still out and the closest to me was 15yds.so if I took this one out the one in front of me will run as soon as it here’s the other bunny get THWACKED!!

Im not sure! Whether to put up the footage of the bunny who I felt for, as I think it’s a bit distressing! Can I have your views on this please!


Here is the footage, of the 15yd bunny



exit wound




After this episode it was time for us to leave the field and go home, but I will say this I can’t stop thinking about this bunny who obviously had mixy and what a horrible man made! Disease it is IMO


Group photo




Happy hunting



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Hiya Davy and Chaz.


Way to go fellas, excellent write up and shooting.


You Tube playing up here so cant view footage :wallbash:

Will keep trying.


You have got me thinking to on the frightened bunny, I would have left him too mate. :thumbs:


Good effort












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Excellent read :clapper:

And of course excellent shooting by you both :yes:


I'd like to see the closeup vid of the bunny please (send me the link private if you dont want to put it up)

Think I would have left it at the time, maybe you will see it next time your out at a better range :yes:



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:clapper: :clapper: :notworthy: :notworthy:


well done chap, thats a great bag you have there!! i must admit i had a cracking day today too, must be something in the air, fantastic pics and write up matey



tanks alex

me tinks the good weather got a lot of hunters out :thumbs:



Hiya Davy and Chaz.


Way to go fellas, excellent write up and shooting.


You Tube playing up here so cant view footage :wallbash:

Will keep trying.


You have got me thinking to on the frightened bunny, I would have left him too mate. :thumbs:


Good effort














tanks bill

it was a bit worrying ,but will have it next visit.



nice mate very nice pitty u slept in i was just getting in at 5:30 but as yet im still to sleep


atb gary


i dont usally sleep in,but had a couple of :drink::drink: at a paddy's day party.

so put it down to getting home late! :laugh:



great shooting davy! the video say 'video is private' again.

tanks Aaron

which vid is not working. :doh:


Excellent read :clapper:

And of course excellent shooting by you both :yes:


I'd like to see the closeup vid of the bunny please (send me the link private if you dont want to put it up)

Think I would have left it at the time, maybe you will see it next time your out at a better range :yes:




tanks tony

i will put it up on youtube for ya to have a look at,then the regulars can decide whether i put it up on an open forum :thumbs:



Brilliant stuff mate!


I was out at 05.30 but blanked on the bunny front, had a couple of pigeons from another permission, but not quite the same as your day!


tanks SS

well done on the pigeons :thumbs: much harder to shoot than bunnys IMO,but im sure you will get them next visit :thumbs:


tanks for all the comments






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great shooting davy! the video say 'video is private' again.



hi Aaron

have just checked the last four bits of footage ,and all are live!

so you shouldnt have a problem! now





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Nice shooting Davy :thumbs: And on the poor rabbit, I would have whacked it, I dont mind things living to fight another day if you know what I mean, but if they're ill, bunny heaven is the only place, plus it has the chance to infect the other bunnies on your patch :)

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Nice shooting Davy :thumbs: And on the poor rabbit, I would have whacked it, I dont mind things living to fight another day if you know what I mean, but if they're ill, bunny heaven is the only place, plus it has the chance to infect the other bunnies on your patch :)


hi stealthy

tanks buddy :thumbs:


but this is where i will have to disagree!


reasons: as it was so close and wasn't sure! on my hold under, i thought it was better to leave it.just in case of error on hold under! rather than injuring it and it having getting a way to suffer in more pain than it already is. i did think about it but if you listen to the audio of the footage then you will hear me putting my safety back on.when in doubt don't shoot :thumbs:



but do respect your opinion!





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Davy, what can I say .......


Lovely bag from both you and chaz, great write up as always. Just gonna take a look at the vids now, kepp up the excellent work.


ATB, Andy


hi andyz

tanks buddy :thumbs:

are you off thursday/friday?



hi ya davy buddy

good shooting there matey and rad up to i like the pictures and vid as well buddy looks like your having fun in the sun matey





hi shay

tanks buddy :thumbs:

yes i tinks i wasn't the only one out in the sun yesterday1

hows the course! going shay





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