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Does anyone feel so tired at the end of the season that they look forward to it ending? Come late Febuary i sure am ready for a break, a lie in and a few nights out. :victory:


couldnt agree more ,had a good season dogs have done well so its a good long rest and time to get the fly rod out again and dream of the next coming season :)

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I'm not a pest controler, I'm a sportsman, I flew 3 harris hawks in pairs and individually on a daily basis throughout the season and yes, the last couple of weeks of the season I'm tired, ready for a rest. Two weeks into the moult I cant wait to get out again. I think one problem with lack of respect is caused by the obsession with numbers. I know pest control is different, but I hunt for the pleasure of working with the birds, the prey, once it's in the bag is a usable bye product. I was the same when I ran dogs.

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After reading few topics on here past few weeks about when the hunting season finishes i was surprised that people even to ask why?!

I was taught to hunt an work dogs by my late grandfather and his friends an we where always brought up to respect what ever we hunted for sport and pest control.

Why is it then people still hunt when the seasons over an people on this site praise them for it?

I don,t mean for pest control i understand this has to be undertook all year round in certain circumstances .

But mean the pointless killing of pregnant or young animals in the name sport is actually ruining are own sport an i think the more experienced hunters need to teach newcomers to the sport that their is a season for a reason or we might as well give up because there won,t be anything left for us or are kids to hunt in the future.thumbs.gif

couldn't agree more :thumbs:

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A lot off people on here use the word pest control so people dont go on about hunting out off season and the word respect is only ever used by the single hare dog man who hates hares getting hunting out off season or lamped.

As for rabbits there is no season just like rats there pest simple as but fox and other animals l think in my eyes need time too breed but as 2good said some places just cant wait till the season and the foxes need cut down.A young fox that can catch and kill will do as much or even more damage then a big fox because off there size they can get into things that a big fox cant and we all know that they just dont kill for food they will keep killing in a chicken pen till there is nothing else running about in the pen so they need cut down in numbers. :thumbs:

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:hmm: Well,..it has been a strange kind of season,..crazy in fact.. :no:


But,..I will admit to already feeling bad withdrawal symptoms regarding the ferreting game.... :yes:


In previous years, I have been rabbiting strong,.sometime every day,...but this past few months have been extremely frustrating.


At first,. the weather, and the dense undergrowth was against us,.then,.the worst bout of myxy in living memory all but fecked the rabbit control business up... :(

Folk were phoning me and saying,...'We won't be needing you on the estate this year,.coz the disease has hammered our rabbits good and proper,."..... :doh:


Then,.the good old rabbits managed to make a come-back,.and they were everywhere.... :clapper:


Followed by a load of snow,.which we 'darn sarf' are not used to,.and that fecked matters up once again...


However,.this last month or so, has produced some terrific rabbiting,...the undergrowth is completely bare and all the warrens are fully exposed,..even the deep old sand buries in the woodland areas....AND,..I have a young pup that I hope will make the grade as a good ferreting/marking aid,...so naturally,.. I just don't want to stop....


Sadly,..the 'ferrets say NO',....they have gone into breeding mode and in truth the game is up....


But,.if I could still stand waiting high above that deep chalk warren, on the beautiful Southern Downland,....I would,..and that's the truth... :yes:


Time to chill out I suppose,....kill a few wasps,...earn some vonga,....


Won't be long now,...will it.... :laugh:


All the best,.CHALKWARREN... :drink:


Good read that, cheers. :)

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I've always been brought up to respect any quarry, likewise with my dad. This is a topic i have thought about for a while after reading various posts, and one article especially in The Countrymans Weekly, where a bloke says 'Old ways must change' and talks a load of utter Bulls**t about how we must not leave rabbits for next season etc etc.


I can somewhat understand if a pest controller must deal with a huge amount of rabbits, but i consider it unnaceptable to kill rabbits, etc if they are not in huge numbers, this time of year. likewise with pheasants, someone on this site posted a comment about shooting a pheasant out of season youve had your chance all season, now its time to let them rest, breed etc. I cannot understand why people do this, and in our local area we just get t**ts driving round in pickups in large groups with lamps and dogs, which explains why there is nothing about. As for foxes i understand once again if they are causing huge damage then i suppose you could regard them as pests.

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