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vets ripping people off for docking tails!

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  On 20/03/2010 at 18:42, thebusiness said:

would it be possible to dock Rottweilers tails if you said they were working dogs?


my last litter cost £40 docked and dew clawed.6 pups and cert to prove it.£30 a dog what the f**k?? no they cant do rottis anymore at all,my vet woant touch them.has to be a true worker and still used for work today.atvb oh vet is south yorks

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scissors and as for doing them yourself,working terriers is ok like you say if you dont broadcast it but spanials that are kc and stuff need a cert and someone rang me the other day who bought a pup off me last summer saying his vet was demanding to see a cert for the docking! nosy bitch,should of told her to f*ck herself! atb :)

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  On 20/03/2010 at 22:36, dave a said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 21:03, waidmann said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 20:57, dave a said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 20:51, waidmann said:

its illegal to do it yourself.

you can use the "hot docker" (used to dock piglets). basicly a soldering iron with a blade.

you can cut them off with scissors(pushing the skin back) and stich the end.

you can bite them off(plyers have the same effect).


these are all methods used by a vets in my presence and so are perfectly "ok".


or if you want to make things very straightforeward just cut a 3 or 4 day old pups tail to the required length with a resonable knife and put it back with its mother. job done.




never done it myself bud,the only vet who cut them off put powder on the end and sewed it. i think it would heal cleaner with less scaring don't you??




if "just cutting off" then

a, make sure you are between the vertbrae

b,push the skin back(away from the tip) and put a stitch in the end when done(powder the wound before sewing).

as i said before its illegal if you are not qualified.


i never docked a pup or heard of a pup docked that needed a stitch.if done right not much blood if at all,and if there is the bitch wont be long cleaning up the pup.

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  On 21/03/2010 at 21:15, waidmann said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 22:36, dave a said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 21:03, waidmann said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 20:57, dave a said:
  On 20/03/2010 at 20:51, waidmann said:

its illegal to do it yourself.

you can use the "hot docker" (used to dock piglets). basicly a soldering iron with a blade.

you can cut them off with scissors(pushing the skin back) and stich the end.

you can bite them off(plyers have the same effect).


these are all methods used by a vets in my presence and so are perfectly "ok".


or if you want to make things very straightforeward just cut a 3 or 4 day old pups tail to the required length with a resonable knife and put it back with its mother. job done.




never done it myself bud,the only vet who cut them off put powder on the end and sewed it. i think it would heal cleaner with less scaring don't you??




if "just cutting off" then

a, make sure you are between the vertbrae

b,push the skin back(away from the tip) and put a stitch in the end when done(powder the wound before sewing).

as i said before its illegal if you are not qualified.


i never docked a pup or heard of a pup docked that needed a stitch.if done right not much blood if at all,and if there is the bitch wont be long cleaning up the pup.

i never ever saw or heard of a pup with an infected tail from docking.also any scar is soon covered by hair.i think the vet you saw going through this fuss must have been trying to justify the crazy price he was charging.

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at ten euro a pup he didn't need to justify anything bud

scarring will of course be covered by hair but is still a potential source of irritation/infection(ever seen a terrier with the tip of its tail bare? nibbeling on the end?)

i have some scars which are still painfull under psessure(where nerves have been damaged) and so can understand the reduction needed.

by no means am i saying it is ABSOLUTLY nessesary but thats the way the vet did them.

i would be interested to hear other oppinions though :thumbs:



Edited by waidmann
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