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why we need to control rabbits

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hi lads

well with the hobby/job we do and enjoy at some point you will come across and anti bunny hugger complaining about us killing rabbits well heres a set of photos i took while at work it give a prime example why we need to control rabbits


you can see some sort of service pipe in this one it runs towards the gas meter




check out where the gas meter is the rabbit set is directly under it if the rabbits burrow anymore soil out there is a chance the meter may sink into the set if that happens it may dislodge a gas pipe which could have an explosive end to the job



so next time someone asks you why just remember its not only crop/grass damage they cause


atb gary

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Well said festa it often gets overlooked that rabbits cause massive damage to roads/buildings/even railway lines and as we can

see in festas post gas pipes ect etc the list is endless

So its not just crops/grass/and trees they damage so next time an anti comes up to you and asks why are you killing the poor little

bunnies they dont do any harm take a deep breath and tell them in no uncertain terms to FU*K OFF they are clueless

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What to rember is when that couple that won the rollover uromillions didn't even win enough to pay for the damage rabbits cause in this country and what did they win how many millions ?????

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