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Is it because he is young

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My 5 1/2 month collie whippet has perfect recall even when he is legging it away from me 50 yards away he comes as soon as I call, but when there are other people or dogs around he takes no notice and just runs up to them and returns in his own time which is quite embarassing. Will he grow out of this or does it need nipping in the bud now?

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I wouldnt advice running after your dog and "giving him a shake by the scruff" Its sending mixed messages, first your following him putting him in leadership position and even thinking its a game runn

Teach him not to jump up,or i know its embarrsing just let him get on with it, if it really bothers you advoid places times were you would meet other people.I remember a long time ago walking the dog

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mine did that mate,for a while,till it realised that when i walked away i wasnt coming back,she soon got the message,dont forget its only a pup wanting to socialise and play,like i say i just kept walking and calling her,soon got the message

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nip it in the bud mate he will only get into bad habbits try running out to him and tell him off can be a pain in the arse at first and you look a little silly doing it but he will soon get the mesage remember to do it every time he doesnt listen

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Definately correct him mate! At 5 1/2 months old he knows what "come here" means. If hese ignoring your command he needs a reminder of who the pack leader is. You cant tell him off when he DOES come back cos he will think that coming back is bad. Instead run after him, grab hold of either his coller or scruff, tell him off, then either drag or carry him back to where you were standing when you 1st called him back sternly saying "come here" a few times on the way. Make him sit. Then everytime he stands up again, make him sit again. When hese got the message say "come on" and walk off. He will follow you. He might need more than one lesson but you will notice a difference. Iv reached the stage now with my 9 month old terrier pup that even when hese 100 yards away and running full pelt towards another dog a shout of "COME HERE" has him heading back to me just as quick.

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Once youve got "come here" sorted you can start on whistle training. Just say "come here" and as he starts heading towards you blow 2 short peeps on the whistle. He will soon start to associate the come here command with the 2 short peeps. The sound of a whistle carries much further than a human voice AND its not so likely to scare off all your quarry.

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He'll grow out of it mate ..there's some tits on here giving bad advice ..try giving him a treat when he does come back too ..





I wouldnt advice running after your dog and "giving him a shake by the scruff" Its sending mixed messages, first your following him putting him in leadership position and even thinking its a game running further away then when you hit him he won't know what its for and will start associating you with fear.


As said reward him for coming back. If you see another dog/people .. slip him on the lead and keep his attention on you till they have gone .. play with him, a little sqeek of a toy and plenty of waving it about and once the people/dogs gone throw it for him. Two birds with one stone, retrieving and stopping them appoaching everyone else. He will soon realise he gets better attention from you than he does others. That said,remember he does need to socialise other dogs, but again do it in a way which your in control.

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He is only 5 months old and shouting at him and tilling him when he comes back will make him not come back too you in the future.Just keep walking away slow and giving a call and whistle he see you walking off and come running when he comes back give lots off fuss good boy and all off that.That what l did but l keep bringing them 2 the park where there is ppl ans other dogs so they learn they can go too other people but cum back once you call no point walking your dog where there is nothing about or he will never learn and rem he is only 5 half months old :thumbs:

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He is only 5 months old and shouting at him and tilling him when he comes back will make him not come back too you in the future.Just keep walking away slow and giving a call and whistle he see you walking off and come running when he comes back give lots off fuss good boy and all off that.That what l did but l keep bringing them 2 the park where there is ppl ans other dogs so they learn they can go too other people but cum back once you call no point walking your dog where there is nothing about or he will never learn and rem he is only 5 half months old :thumbs:

:thumbs: worked for me

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My 5 1/2 month collie whippet has perfect recall even when he is legging it away from me 50 yards away he comes as soon as I call, but when there are other people or dogs around he takes no notice and just runs up to them and returns in his own time which is quite embarassing. Will he grow out of this or does it need nipping in the bud now?



Some good advice there, the pup at the age needs to be able to trust you , collie whippet's can be sensitive, so think twice before any harsh correction ,take him to a few busy areas on the lead, with lots of people and dogs and noise , he,ll get used to new faces and wont bother with them,,,

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have you any pics of the pup? ive got old 20 month 1stx col whip very sensitive and clever, but knows im boss and does what told. tellin off to bad aint going do any good, it aint a gundog. try get pups attention when you see other people and get it in close before legs it off, then could always walk it over to socalise and get a play, when you want.



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Try and get him on the lead [bANNED TEXT] you see other dogs and keep him at heal its one of my pet hates dogs running up to my dogs [bANNED TEXT] out a firm tug on the lead saying no he will soon no to ignore other dogs its prety easey getting bitches to ignore strange dogs but a bit harder with males.atb dell

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