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Is this good for UK?

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In USA many carry gun, to protect. Here 2 proples go shop in market for food, you listen to what say. Is good idea? what you think ?




personally ,i think if he cannot eat man alive, he has problem. look at size of this man, & he need gun ?? :icon_eek:

Edited by clint
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All you can do is wait to see the stats after a year or so.


I have freinds from the states and the ones who live in rural areas have a point, the cops wont get to you for ages if you've been broken in to or attacked. On the other hand you could argue that any about of time is too much if you have intruders. Walking around the street with a loaded weapon is a step further, maybe they have alot of trouble with street robberies not sure if I'd want that myself.


As with everything dogs/guns/cars etc it's all about the individual. good people are good and sh*t people are sh*t.

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In USA many carry gun, to protect. Here 2 proples go shop in market for food, you listen to what say. Is good idea? what you think ?




personally ,i think if he cannot eat man alive, he has problem. look at size of this man, & he need gun ?? :icon_eek:


I would rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have one!

You cannot carry a policeman in you pocket!

I hunt with a small dog but I carry a big gun for protection!

I know how to box and martial arts fight - why bother I am old I just shoot the robbers now.



Clint - ( I know your real name and will not use it in open forum) You must come to America and taste real freedom then you wouldn't ask such questions - I invite you to come next winter and hunt fox and lion and go to the supermarket with a gun on your hip. Then you will want to become an American!


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I remember someone telling me many years ago about a visit he had made to a well known dog man in New Mexico. They were sat talking dogs in the guys mobile home when a shot rang out outside. The yank rolled across the floor and pulled a rifle out from under a sofa and threw it to his guest shouting, "cover me", and dived out the front door firing as he went.....!

I could never be sure whether he had set the whole episode up to impress his visitor, or ....was it I who was being spun a yarn?

If it was true then I can see why they feel the need to carry.

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