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alright all.

i was having a think and heard of small dogs taking fox pre ban but could they do it on a regular basis,and what size would you consider to take foxes often.or is size a issue after all or do u think they take to much punishment after a while doing it.atb suffolkpoacher,

have anyone had small dogs which TOOK them regular?

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If fox were your game you really should be messin with a bigger type dog but not a big dog. Anything over 28 inches in my opinion is really gonna start screwin you up. Of course yall are talkin about the lamp alot so it may be alot easier to catch a lamped fox but daytime they are slippery little b*****ds. I'd say 26 inches and 65 pounds of determination will screw one down tight.

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you dont need a big dog to do them as long as the dog has got heart it will do them. my mate had a blue dog 20inch seen it do 4 and 5 in a night but it did take some stick. then got a big dog called stripes and that didnt do them as well.


atb mike

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