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100 yard rabbit shot with 12ft/lbs.

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fairly sure the sound of the hit is too close to the sound of the gun going off to be 100 yards. i have shot targets out to 65/70m [possibly more] and it seems you have to wait ages for the impact...???

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reading some of the comments on the vids on there it would seem a lot of people regularly take pretty insane shots at rabbits i suppose they maybe children or something seems pretty dodgy to me to take a shot at 50+ let alone 100+ i cant believe the pellet would have the power to penetrate at that range. is there a way of working out the ft/lb after travelling 100 yard?

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i think from other posts people have worked out that a .22 pellet would have enough energy to kill a rabbit at that range hit in the head...but that is the problem, at that range you cant be sure of where you would hit and is it worth the risk of wounding rather than a clean kill...

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According to CG Pro it certainly possible with EVERYTHING being PERFECT ie: NO wind etc....


This is with set with a laser at 100 yards as is the scope the scope (No reason other than I wanted to fiddle with the program) its using an AA S200 (my gun) with AAF's @ almost 16 grain but with an imaginary MV of 12.00 ft/lbs. (Speed of pellet at muzzle is 581.1 feet per second.

Using that Data, the impact energy is 5.4 ft/lbs (pellet traveling to that range would still be carrying an impact velocity of just shy of 375 feet per second which is more than enough energy to kill a rabbit even if it did not penatrate the skin. The impact shock alone would be enough to cause sufficiant trauma to the brain to kill.


But have a look at the trajectory graph below:

Green line = Pellet Trajectory

Red line = Laser path

Purple line = the upper and lower lines of the 1 inch kill zone.




So a 12ft/lbs is capable and is accurate enough to do so, but with the all the variables (wind, shooter), its highly unlikely that its going to happen!


Now as for time between trigger pull and sound of impact; thats way too complicated for me as the pellet is losing speed throughout and then there is the added complication of air resistance verses the speed increase as the pellet passes its highest point and begins it decent, then the time for the sound of impact traveling back (assuming you could really actually hear the impact at that distance) to the shooter


Do I think a person can pull this off outside? No

Can a person (such as a paper shooter) do it on an indoor range with ideal conditions, Yes.

Would anyone really be daft enough to try it on a small live animal? They would have to be pretty stupid and severely lacking in the required cells department to say they had a brain. :yes:




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After reading some of the other guy's comments I took another look at the vid.


Years back, I had an RWS52 on ticket that gave 32ft-lbs with Crosman Premiers (.22) I used that gun day in, day out on the estate where I worked. In PERFECT conditions, I'd go to around 75 yards with it and I can remember well what it was like.


If that shot on the clip was anywhere near 100 yards, which I very much doubt, that gun (AA410?) is shooting at least or above what my old 52 gave.


To claim that kind of shot is so fekin' stupid, it's unreal. I bet the guy's got a really big dick and a very fast car......... NOT!!!!!


Cheers. :thumbdown:

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