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ferret abscess

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found an abscess on the neck of my old hob, six years old,managed to drain it off puss and crap a few days ago and sprayed it with iodine,but it still seems to be filling up, any ideas on how to treat it or what the cause is.

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its probably still filling up because the entry wounds sealed over ... also the ferret mzy need a course of antibiotics & keep the wound open so it drains properly ... i would bath it in saline as well to keep it clean :thumbs:

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Your vet will prob give you Baytril for it meaning you have to give it oral twice a day 0.5mls depending on weight of the ferret but they hate the stuff if you have any ferettone dip the end of the syringe in it then when they lick it let the bytril flow. if still open put sudacrem (stuff you use for baby nappy rash) on it for a week this also helps.

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