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Guest Frank

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Set of with my big hob this morning to the good place, but thoughts of seeing mixy rabbits was running threw my mind and the prospect of getting noting loomed over me like a black cloud. :(

( What a fecking pessimist i am :11: :rolleyes: )


Anyhow, parked up and set off. Got to the first bury, netted up and waited for a miniute or 2 to let settle and checked the colar and locator. :icon_eek:FECK, its not working that well, only bleaps here and their :o . I was starting to get pissed off and them nagative comments about the MK 3, were going threw my head :no:


Sod it, i should of checked it before i came out i thought :rolleyes:

I carried on anyhow, but stuck to small burys, enterd the hob and rumble, rumble, then nothing....Ahhhhhrrrrr :oops: looked like a lie up. What could i do, i waited and he eventually came out :D Good.

Moved on and to my surprise, seen some healthy bunnys go into a set, excellent, netted up and got 2 out of their, did not want to risk a lie up so moved on. ;)


Got another one and missed 1 more :blink: , sliped the net :rolleyes: .

I could of done more, but without the colar on the ferret, i did not want to risk it, so packed up and set off for home. :)


When i got home, i tested the locator with the other colar and it seemed to work just fine :blink: , the batterys had gone on the one i took with me :censored::rolleyes:

Strange that, as i have it only a month and a half and have not used it that much. :hmm:


From now on, i will allways carry spare batterys. :yes: :11:


Pictures are, all netted up, and the 3 i got with my hob.



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Enjoyed that Frank thanks.

It's a pain when something like that happens,Ive recently got permission on a newfarm but the owner is a miserable old sod and keeps chickens and ducks nearby.He said he would fill me in if I ever lost a ferret and it killed any of his birds so i'm paranoid about the locator failing when i'm over there!


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Guest craftycarper

Nice one Frank :) , it's happened to me once before with the mk1, checked the collar all was fine then after a few minutes down below nowt, bloody batteries gone :angry: although i did have a spare collar & bats on me it was still a bit worrying until she surfaced. Just out of interest how fast does the hob work do you find him slower than the jills or no difference in it, i know plenty of others use them, just that i've never worked any of mine, only the jills

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I dont seem to notice much difference Craftycarper, but the hob does seem to go deep, but then so does my dark polecat jill. :blink:


As for the batteries, do you think its normal for them to run out so quick?

Prehaps the batteries them selfs were not good?


In all my hob is good, but he is big and can kill and hold rabbits quicker then my jills and seems to have more energy. ;)





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Guest billy boy

Hello Frank,

Nice little story, enjoyed reading your experience and certain problems with the locating collar. I would think it has happened to everyone in their Ferreting careers also.My brother has had some good Ferreting in Ireland with certain friends who live their. Is there many about, surely some places better than others. Looked like some nice little field Settes. Very good!

Good Luck!


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Hello Frank,

Nice little story, enjoyed reading your experience and certain problems with the locating collar. I would think it has happened to everyone in their Ferreting careers also.My brother has had some good Ferreting in Ireland with certain friends who live their. Is there many about, surely some places better than others. Looked like some nice little field Settes. Very good!

Good Luck!



Hi David,


As you have said, some places are better then others. Mxy is not good in my good spot thats in the pic, but its not as bad as i thought it would be. :)


Rabbit numbers can be high in certain areas, as not many folks bother with them, so usually, your the first one their. :D But, not allways. ;)


Thanks Chilli for the tip.



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Guest billy boy

Hello Frank,

Many thanks for your reply. Funny enough after I posted a reply to your experience with the Ferrets a guy came for 2 Polecat Hobs from myself. I only have 6 for myself now but that can be enough sometimes.......I use to breed alot of Jills for the Ratting game. Of course I know it's not to everyones taste but yes I loved it! The Terriers get on with the Ferrets very well also. That is a good thing of course.

Best regards.


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No problem David. :)


Ratting, done it for a while back in 96' with mates terriers and ferrets, but not my own.

I am allways worried abot the things you can catch off the little critters. :unsure:


But, i know it can be deadly fun. :yes:



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