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  On 18/03/2010 at 16:57, jeterrier said:

selby game fair ltd usually the worst for it.they cancelled about 4 shows last year at short notice.


If its the same company!! Including the proposed SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION FOR COUNTRYSPORTS SHOW last year :censored::censored:



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The thread is about cancelled show's which leave many people disgrunteld Some event organisers are notorious for cancelling show's and so are fieldsports organisations indeed Sac's and SGF Ltd pulled out of a show last year at minimal notice causing a great deal of upset and confusion to members and the general public!


The SACs game fair in conjuction with SGF ltd, left peopled like "Visit Scotland" "Scotlands Tourist board who where organising " The Scottish Homecoming Celebrations 2009" in the shit! by cancelling the event at the last minute and not informing them! This game fair was billed as part of the homecoming celebrations and was one of the very few events cancelled, if not the only one? an excuse given was lack of uptake on traders (Why?)and a general lack of interest again why! I do know that a lot of traders would not work with a certain event company and that same event company would'nt put an agreed amount of cash to run a working dog event when it was needed and allready promised.


As for a rant on Sacs you brought the matter up, I'm sure by now no! most people know my stance on SAC's, Its in a massive decline, run on dictorial lines by a man who misleads his members, and has is own small bunch physcophants attending the sacs stand (whith the exception of BADA-UK)


Its funny I was always ask by the Director of SAC's how much money I collected for BADA-UK when I'd

told him I did'nt know he suggested any money raised by me in future should be directed at SAc's

To suggest money raised for charity go'es too subsidising Sacs is deplorable :censored:


I'd 'like to make a humble suggestion? If my mentioning Sac's upsets you and Ian Clark is a friend of yours don't keep giving me opportunities to tell the truth with regards to him Sacs and others "Theres a lot of skeletons hiding in cupboards

that I Clark would rather be kept hidden!!




PS: Why did'nt you mention SGF Ltd and only pick on the SACs issue in my original post??


Is it because you may be at SELBY Game Fair manning the SACS stand and don't want to drag SGF Ltd into your obvious clash's with me!


  On 25/03/2010 at 20:00, events co-ordinator said:

Other than foxgunthong nobody mentioned SACs it was a question for info not to allow another rant for a disgruntled old lady the question still stands. :clapper:

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  On 26/03/2010 at 19:43, events co-ordinator said:

SACs Selby SCA BASC L&R Is there anybody youve not spat the dummy out with? :boogie:


Would you ike to elaborate and go into detail in your statement above!! and of my connections with any of the above organisations,


Obviously you have an agenda or issues re; me? (are you a volounteer with sac's who'll be attending Selby?) I'm prepared to discuss any matter concerning the above in public and with members of this forum especially if it affects them?.


I must stress though I have no personal issue with BASC as its a shooting organisation rather than a hunting one :thumbs:




Ps: you forgot to mention the other organisations I'm no longer a member of eg: The Boys, Brigade, The Orange Order, Territorial Army, The Automobile Association, and The Tufty Club!!

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  On 25/03/2010 at 20:07, Strong Stuff said:

Saw this one was cancelled:



Ragley Hall.





It's not so much cancelled as "relocated" for a year. This is due to the 2010 CLA Game Fair being held at Ragley Hall and the amount of time during which the CLA requires access to the ground both before and after the show. This means there will be no other game fairs held there during 2010.


As a result, this year's National Working Terrier Federation Champion of Champions and Open Terrier Show will be held at the well established Shropshire Game Fair, Chetwynd Park, Newport, Near Telford, Shropshire on Sunday 22nd August 2010.


It's the normal Ragley Show weekend date, the same Game Fair organisers, the same terrier show team and the same excellent facilities. And as is always the case with the NWTF Show our terriers will receive the full recognition they so richly deserve and the Champion of Champions Show will be held in the Game Fairs Main Arena with a full commentary.


Chetwynd Park does not have it's own postcode, so for satellite navigation systems, enter Newport, Shropshire and select the B5062 Edgmond Road. The show is signposted from Newport. For further show details, google map, customised directions and to view videos of previous years Championship Shows click here.


We hope to see you on the day and to give the general public an opportunity to see some of the finest examples of working terriers anywhere in the world.


Y.I.S. - Barrie

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  On 27/03/2010 at 06:45, events co-ordinator said:

The original post was looking for info you didnt have any relevant info but decided to get something off your chest do you think you maybe need therapy? :realmad:


Some response eh!!


Info that is relevant was given! about show's being cancelled, by whom and the reason's sometimes given!!


You've taken umbrage personally? co's you've been promoting Selby in previous posts (how many times have you been to Selby? I never seen you all the time I attended!) and manning the SACs tent at previous show's




Ps:it's funny when some-one takes a different perspective on things especially when they were at the forefront of organising a show (SACS Working Dog Show 2009), they suddenly need therapy :whistling:

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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