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North West Lurcher & Terrier Club

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The North West Lurcher and Terrier Club would like to take this opportunity of informing all Lurcher, Terrier, Whippet and Strong dog enthusiasts of our fourthcoming Lurcher, Terrier, Whippet and Strong dog Championship. The concept for the Championship is based on the belief that no existing Championship caters for the show enthusiasts on an all Ireland basis. Established shows have been pioneering in offering All Ireland titles, however a National title does not exist. The opportunity for show enthusiasts exists with this concept.




- To establish a structure where this competition will offer National titles for Lurchers, Terriers, Whippets and Strong dogs.

- All shows to become automatic qualifiers for Lurchers, Terriers, Whippets and Strong dogs.

- To establish National racing titles including Simulated Coursing.

- The show to become a yearly event

- Possible rotation of the show between Clubs

- All Champion trophies to become perpetual


The location for 2010 show will be at Barrontop Fun Farm in Donemana, Co. Tyrone. It was hoped that a central location would be available, however our host and sponser have made their venue available. They will also be acting as joint sponser with the NWLTC. It is propsed that prizes befitting this new Championship will be available. The NWLTC believe that this concept offers a new and meaningful addition th the fourthcoming Show Season. We hope that all Show organisers will make their show a qualifier for the 32 Counties Champion of Champions. The date proposed for this is the 11th September 2010.


Proposed by Terry Moore and Joe Boggs

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I hpe all Lurcher, Terrier, Whippet & Stong Dog entusiasts will turn out to support this club. We are trying to improve our club and make it better and better. All proceeds that are made from the shows we hold go striaght to our choosen charities. Ano speaking for myself I travel all over Ireland to support all other Clubs and hope that it will be returned. We hope that all Clubs will make their show a qualifier for the 32 Counties Campion of Champions. The Racing Meetings in Roscrea etc are also qualifiers for the 32 Counties. So plase Support the NWTLC.

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