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Well folk's i put a post up a couple of weeks ago regards Scotland and how harsh a winter we had and the local's were saying how tame the red deer were getting, what they never mentioned were how tame the wild mountain goat's were getting here are a few picture's of them and some of there young, never seen nowt like it, the snow on the mountain's must be driving them down to the road.





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nice picture of goat, i did not know , places have wild goat in uk. Do people hunt, or these care for, by government.

I think of breed goat to release, on big moorland, make good hunting in few year, is this possible.

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I tried to hunt these with my old collie crosses they ran through the middle of a herd of them bouncing around and looking left and right and then back at me as if to say "what do you want me to chase???" lol they were that well stock broken they must have just thought the goats were off limits same as the sheep. They graze intermingled on the moors so you would need a clever dog that knows the craic with them to run them in those conditions, a dog that knows a goats allowed but a sheep isnt. In the summertime they come right down off the moors onto the grass slopes, I spent a good few hours filming them last summer but the footage got wiped when my laptop had a virus :( the billies are a different prospect to the nannies and youngsters, they are harder to get close to and they are some size, big horns right over their backs and big shaggy manes, impressive animals!

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plenty of wild goats here in west of ireland also as well as domestic ones that were dumped in local forestry, ive a wild billy/puck here that moved in with my domestic nanny and never left, hes a handsomes beast, im guessing he is about 10yrs! im too soft to shoot him, he is half tame now.

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saw afew in my time but more so my freind in the usa trains them to pack his food and hunting gear , so when he goes camping they carry his gear they are big goats 30 inches or more to shoulder ,would be a good game carrier as if he doesnt he can be the stew lol

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OK, couple of points here. First, good photos there mate, well done. Second, there are no "Wild Goats" in the UK. These are "Feral Goats"; they have escaped or been released from domestic stock. The idea of breeding goats for release is just stupid. They are very destructive of crops and saplings and release of destructive species is a criminal offence.

They are legal quarry if they are damaging crops or saplings. Minimum legal calibre in the UK is .243. High power .220 CF is ok in Eire.

I would not want to kill them for the sake of it cos they look so good but if they are causing damage, there's nowt wrong with goat curry. Madras might be a bit dodgy but a Korma ought to be OK.

This is where I go and play The Stones. Goats Head Soup!


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