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hare coursing caution

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got stopped a while back at a local spek and accused of hare coursing by the keepers but that is something i would never take part in because its ***ned isnt it??


anyways got a letter today saying i am getting a caution and i need to ring up and go in to the station to process the matter further. what does this meen?


the caution is for "trespassing in puruit of game" will this caution be the end of it or will anythin come of it????





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If you only getting a caution there's nothing to worry about mate. 'Trespass in pursuit of game' is the charge they always used to use (before the Hunting Act). I would have thought they would have charged you by now if they were going to :hmm:

Let us know how you get on !!


All the best Tommy ;);)

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i had a letter come though like that aswell my mom wasent to pleased :11: but going down to the police station sorted it out thay took back the caution because i was just walking my dog ;) :whistle: it has alot to do with equipment you have on you at the time i did not have nothing on me no lamp no knife so i got away but if you are carring a knife to gut the rabbits on you are in a bit of trouble :11:

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Feck, its bad over their :icon_eek: .

Over here if your cought where your not ment to be, the worse you get is a rolocking from the farmer :11:


Thats with just dogs and ferrets now, firearms a different kettlle of fish. :unsure:



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got stopped a while back at a local spek and accused of hare coursing by the keepers but that is something i would never take part in because its ***ned isnt it??


anyways got a letter today saying i am getting a caution and i need to ring up and go in to the station to process the matter further. what does this meen?


the caution is for "trespassing in puruit of game" will this caution be the end of it or will anythin come of it????






It means they aint got a pot to piss in mate...........dont accept the caution as you are basically just pleading guilty.

Write to them and tell them you do not accept the caution as you were doing nothing wrong.........let em pick the bones out of that.


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DO NOT ACCEPT THE CAUTION, whatever you do.They have no evidence and are trying to tie up the case for their records.A caution stays for several years, if not life, on your record, you have to declare a criminal rcord, for a job etc.Tell them to charge you, and take you to court, or piss off, i,ll put a wage on them backing down.

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DO NOT ACCEPT THE CAUTION, whatever you do.They have no evidence and are trying to tie up the case for their records.A caution stays for several years, if not life, on your record, you have to declare a criminal rcord, for a job etc.Tell them to charge you, and take you to court, or piss off, i,ll put a wage on them backing down.

Very sensible advice ,Id say,seems they are trying it on.

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Guest samstheman

anyways got a letter today saying i am getting a caution and i need to ring up and go in to the station to process the matter further. what does this meen?


the caution is for "trespassing in puruit of game" will this caution be the end of it or will anythin come of it????






Hi Dan,spoke to a friend of mine who wears the uniform (yes,some do have friends!!!!),listen to the other posts-do not accept the caution unless you want to admit to summat you never did...... ;) They have better things to do mate-don't shoot yourself in the foot ;) Best of luck when taking a mooch in the future pal :clapper:

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Guest nastybilly

baldies [bANNED TEXT] dont accept it mate tell them to charge you if they like..guarenteed they they wont ....it happened to me and on the advice of a lawer thats exacty [bANNED TEXT] i done...never herd anymore about it...

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Guest bullyboy74

do the keepers know you?if not say nothing keep your name and address to yourself if they get heavy it will be you pressing charges if they follow you take them on the longest walk of their lives.dont accept a thing their is no evidence so their is no case worst case scenario you will get done for tresspass which is highly unlikely good luck!

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Tomo my old china, citizen's advice is run by volunteer's who if they can't help, they get in contact with a solicitor for advice, a solicitor may see this as a waste of time, and time is money with these folk, usually the first half an hour is free then the clock is on, and you're not alway's entitled to legal aid if it does go to court.

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yeah do,nt accept it as you will be agreeing that you were in the wrong, they hav,nt a thing to go on. These gamekeepers think there a law untoo thereselves, treat them to the contempt they deserve. If your walking on a public footpath near these twats again and there shooting nearby report them for shooting over your head and give them a bit of their own medicene!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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