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Double trouble

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Sunday March 14th


It's been a fair while since I was out lamping. The stork will be dropping lambs beside my ewes in about ten days time so it's time to see what's going bump in the night. What a change there has been since last I was out. I dressed for the cold, thermals etc. That was so not the right move.


The plan of action for tonight is to drive up the little road across from my farm and have a shine across the valley, it's a tactic that's often given nice rewards. Someone has been extravagant in their use of matches back the way, as there's a veil of smoke in the valley reducing the quality of my recon. Even though they're not supposed to burn now as the birds will be nesting there's been a rash of gorse fires. Ray was asking me the last day whether there was a big fire up this way as all he could see was smoke from down his area, I was out on my course yesterday and another member mentioned my area was completely on fire (no harm, place needs a good clean out - not of vegetation mind). I call this time of year "Silly Season", as anything that's dry ends up lit. I've taken to carrying a home made beater in the car now.


Seeing not a glint of an eye from my lookout point I headed down to the farm entrance to park up. From there on in I'm on foot, this is where the excess layers start to take effect as it's all uphill! Sweating bullets I reached the top of the hill from where I can see a fair bit of my farm and almost 360° of the surrounding land. About forty minutes pass, during which I use the rabbit distress twice, as soon as I arrive and again about fifteen minutes later.


Way downhill near the sea shore I heard a bird call out, like it's been disturbed or frightened by something. Directly after that I hear three clear fox barks! Shining towards all the commotion I can't see anything, I try the rabbit call and again, no eyes. Well feck this I think I'll give the vixen call a whirl, and like magic two sets of bright amber eyes look my way! Crikey, we're in business, the only thing is I've a bit of a hike to get from where I am to where they are.


Did I mention how absolutely still the conditions are down near the sea? And me rambling downhill through muck, brambles, rushes, tussocks of old grass and all kinds of assorted obstacles and natural tripwires. Sod this, place needs a good dose of Agent Orange! Finally I am nearing where I want to be, slightly concerned that my pair of Charlies will have moved some distance from when I set out. To my great surprise I catch an eye of one not more than one hundred yards across the small gully.


My only option now is to head uphill to a small bank where I can lay down with the Remington. I see both pair of eyes, one immediately turns away from me and I loose sight of it behind a large rock. The other has moved off and is sitting the wrong side of a small hillock and I can only see the top of it's head! As we know I'm not one who favours head shots. These foxes really aren't responding to the rabbit distress call, again my sultry vixen works her magic and the big dark dog fox stands up from the withered bracken and trots up to the top of the hillock, 140 yards, buh-bye-BANG!


A quick reload and the Gods decide to let my wonky ejector work for a change as I catch sight of the other fox high tailing it out of Dodge. It's heading directly away from me in a large patch of flattened bracken. As they are prone to doing it stops a short distance before a wall which would have put a hex on my efforts for a look back at all the action. A snap shot at 165 yards results in a very dead vixen. A nice pair for all of an hours work.



Edited by JohnGalway
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Well done John good read as usual mate clapper.gif they wont be bothering any lamb's whistling.gif the stork dropped off the lamb's over here about 1 month ago, shot 5 Charlie's over the last few week's, but still got a few about that the local lads have been chasing after with there dogs wallbash.gif they are lamp shy and as soon as they see you there off like a Grand National Winner thumbdown.gif will have to do a bit of feeding to get them whistling.gif having problems with a bit of ground where the local lads keep cutting the Deer Fence to let there dogs in censored.gif so cannot spend as much time on Charlie as i would like, but hey these things are sent to test us thumbs.gif

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Quite frankly, with one thing and another, I have been disinterested in shooting this past while, but, it was good to get out tonight. Heading home I was contemplating going to another spot but I'd likely still be out if I done that and there's no point in pushing my luck and getting fed up!


BL, have you any night vision, or know anyone near you that has? Are they also call shy? I've seen various things done with bait, the most interesting being a PIR type sensor set up near the bait. What happens is a small light comes on when your fox is munching or tugging on the bait then ya blast him. As for cutting fences, that's a job for the cops, I wouldn't take any prisoners with that shite.


Deker, the pattern the foxes take in that small area seems to be changing. I figure it could be a result of the rather harsh cull they received last year. This year they're coming in from directions I've never seen them use before. The ground is very difficult, but thankfully I've not lost a fox to it so far.

Edited by JohnGalway
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Cheer's for the reply John, dont know anyone near that has night vision but will give the PIR Sensor a go near the bait, as for calling them in the local lads have them spooked shitless and for cutting the fences everytime i see them on the estate ie 4 guys with 6 dogs no leads, i call and report it to the Police and they make a note of it, last week when i reported the lads to the Police, the Police asked me "what do you want us to do" whistling.gif then i call the Animal Welfare Officer in the Police and he makes a report, once they have had so many call's they can do something about it[joke] i have been told not to approach the lads but sometimes they approach me and to be honest there is no talking to them wallbash.gif they recon they can do what they like, and the truth is they can and do thumbdown.gif i just try and keep on top of the Foxes & Roe's so they have nothing to chase with there dogs.

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Good result John,worked out really well..could have said it was the field craft and good shooting,but don,t want you getting all smug :tongue2:


Still working too much(on 12 in a row again at the moment :wallbash: )but out tonight with the NV.local farmer is starting lambing and asked if iw ould pop up and try for a couple of lamp shy fox he has.This fella has a .243 and does his own.

He was on our shoot as a guest and asked if i,d sort them.this was in December and now he,s lambing he remembers and will expect miracles straight away..always the case :laugh:

told him i was on nights this week so will be there around 7 for a few hours...his reply....will they be about at that time :blink::doh: all the gear springs to mind :laugh:


Out stalking with Stew the other week.frosty crunchy morn,like walking on cornflakes but we had a plan that`s worked before.just as i got to where i was to ambush them,stew pushed 2 does past within 20yds of me just as i was getting the rifle off my shoulder :wallbash:


He saw a fox on his way in that the farmers had told him about,so next morn we`re set up with decoys and shotties in different fields.this fox was crossing about 6 30 ish on a morn.

At 6 35 Stew smells fox and leans forward from the Holly tree he was hidden in to see the fox fox mesmerised by his Predator enticer only 12 yds from him.As he lifts the shotty,it casually turns and dissapears :wallbash:


He,s been back a few times with the rifle and called but no sign of it...rather frustrating time we,re having at the moment :no: hopefully tonight will be better.


Well done on the 2 you got mate :thumbs:

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I keep meaning to ask after this "fieldcraft" stuff you talk about, but, I know Stewy has taught you all you know so I'll just go ask him, cut's out the middle man :thumbs::clapper:


Strangely enough I just got a call this morning from a farmer we shot for last year. I'd texted ages back asking after a mineral lick bucket they use and never got a reply. Some coincidence I didn't pick up or return the call, needless to say it was asking for something, yet.


Speaking about work, I'm fair busy lately myself. Got my course which I'm enjoying immensly, lambing is upon me and girlfriend duties :clapper: Once they bring in those eight day weeks I'll be sorted :D


Let me know how ya get on tonight :thumbs:






Thanks for the kind words mate. I remember one night in January it was -10, coldest night we had in my part of the world. I was kinda worried when all ten toes were still hurting me the next morning :blink::laugh: Feck that for a craic.

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Got this fella within 10 mins of arriving.Once healthy dog fox :whistling: farmer very happy and very impressd with NV as he,d lamped this 1 lots and not got a shot at him.He was about 220yds away and not keen on coming any closer,so seems like the lamp shy fella he was seeing...now have an open invite to go back anytime..in fact his response to the shot was "i,m selling my rifle,you 2 just come up and shoot them all" :laugh:

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