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Scope and Rifle Problems...

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Hi all,


So this is basically leading on from my previous topic '700 pellets and still no zero..'.


After the long awaited week to get back home to my rifle, I had made my mind up that it surely must be a fouled barrell. Simply as it had never been done, had never thought to do it to be honest. I then re-mounted my scope perfectly ready for the test the next day. Would I be bang pellet on pellet after this clean? Or would the golf ball size groupings (and larger) with an undiagnosed cause continue?


So saturday morning I arrive at my mate Hugos house (scratchbat on forums)to pick him and his older brother up, who has just got into shooting and purchased a HW 97k with all the toppings. We drove to my nearest permission and having cleaned my barrell with a plastic fishing line with dried out baby wipe threaded through a noose on the end, brought it through with some wd40 to clean it out.


I then put some cleaning pellets through it to clear out any remaining oil that could cause dieseling.


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We went straight from my friends house to Otmoors gun shop in Deddington. A purely airgun based shop.


I asked the guys if they would chronograph Dylans new 97k and also Hugo's pre-owned Webley Raider 10 he bought a month ago.


97K was about 11.9 average, Logan was (drum roll)...........................7.0ftlb!!!!

Obviously we werent happy about this and decided that I would take his gun back to the shop, after he goes back to Marine training. Get it sent off and fixed and all that...

So we went back to the shooting spot with pellets etc and targets. I got to work zero'ing to find out whether it was my scope knackered, and whether if it WAS the barrell, the if the clean had fixed it..

15 minutes later I had made my decision, it was still fcuked.


I immediatley grabbed for Hugo's oldschool Nikko Stir. scope and whacked it on my rifle. 5 minutes zero and Ii was filling the bullseye.


The one man jury had decided that his scope was no more, who knows why it wont hold its zero...


So we set off back to Deddington to go see what scopes they had and to ask advice about the Webley shooting power, as it had been bought elsewhere 30 mins down the road. M


e and Hugo have always been springer shooters, both having bought PCP's before and returned them. Hugo the day he bought the Raider was actually going to buy a HW97K or AA TX2000 but nowhere had them that day to take away...


Feeling bit angry about it all, knowing the shop we got the Webley from was at right to fix the gun and not refund us, we thought once a dodgey gun, always a dodgey gun. So we set off to Witney gunsmiths to look at scopes and see what they had to say about their 'full power gun'.


Eventually they chronod it saying the test was 'inconclusive' or some shit, and gave us the cash back and we said know more and bailed.


Hugo had a little something on his mind though..... he wanted a HW97KT. ..

We headed back to Deddington, got me a Hawke Varmint II 3-13X44AO which has really cracking optics to it, and got Hugo a HW97KT!!!


What a beautfiul gun the 97k is! The stock on both is awesome (the brothers now both had 97k's), its heavy and short - its one of the nicest bits of kit I've ever held.


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By time all this had happened, we had basically lost the light. All got a quick zero in at 20 yards as we were going to go out on a new permission we have down some old train line (like industrial revolution old) no tracks or anything. Would be close combat with 1 police torch between 3 of us so was just a long shot at getting anything but we were all relieved after a roller coaster day.


Hugo christened his HW97KT with the only rabbit we saw just as we were leaving.


Couple of joke posed pictures with the guns bellow!




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So all in all....


My Nikko 4-12x42 AO Gold Crown only lasted bout a year and a half which is a bit shit but must of been unlucky you know?


Needed to upgrade to milldots anyway, which I have on my new scope, a scope that under the 140 price mark the fella who owns Otmoors gun shop knows his stuff and said thats the best optics you can go with in this case. Hawke and Nikko made in same factory I'm told..


Hugo got rid of his PCP and went for a high investment £479 no hassle springer as thats the sort of shooter he is. Didnt want the lingeirng thought of incosistency or problems with his gun, same reason I took back my Falcon. Maybe the moral of that is to be extra careful when buying a pre-owned precharged rifle?


Dylan started getting good groups at 20 metres and got a good bit of beginners teaching on fieldcraft and the art of air gunning and he likes it.


So thank you everyone who offered advice to my undiagnosed problem. But we got therein the end !


Now I cant wait for next weekend to get a 25metre spot on zero and start nailing quarry at all the permissions i've got 'springing' up!


All the best




+ the rabbit...


Edited by JackReid
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