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foolish move

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On your fac are printed the statutory conditions with which you must comply. Failure to comply with these conditions is a prosecutable offence with a maximum penalty of 6 months in prison and/or a fin

This is a very good point and, quite honestly, is the way it should be. The system of issuing physical paper certificates is woefully out of date in this day and age and totally unnecessary. Admittedl

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Thats crazy. I had a Section 5 dispatching pistol in my possession whilst out at work last year without a certificate on me ..................


The reason is due to my certificate at the FEO's office having a variation for a rifle being put on it.


I always call the Police to inform them of where I am going to be dispatching. Imagine these loonies decided to turn up and check me over at the time ???????


A few checks on you and your registered home address would have put to bed the fact that you are a legal FAC holder.


I hope you are going to write into the Chief Constable to complain and demand a personal written apology. boxing.gif


This is for the Firearms Officers concerned clapper.gif



Or, were they PCSO's ?????????


Edited by Urban Fox Control London
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  On 15/03/2010 at 18:28, flytie said:

:clapper: Good result BN :clapper: I am glad you are ok :thumbs:




cheers flytie well pleased to get it back and no black mark .realy pleased to get it sorted out been informed will receive the section 5 on my cert by this wednesday after fitting the small pistol safe in my van a real b----rd to fit aswell done now thou. :clapper:

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  On 15/03/2010 at 15:40, bignoel said:
as a PNC check tells the officer's you are a fac holder and with no effort at all they can check the rifle is on your license


Do they pay attention when they go to police school I wonder or are they just constantly fiddling with their truncheons?

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  On 15/03/2010 at 15:48, jamie g said:
  On 15/03/2010 at 15:40, bignoel said:

well a visit to police H Q this morning and a chat with the FAO's boss it is not law for you have to carry your license with you but it does help even a copy but not law . as a PNC check tells the officer's you are a fac holder and with no effort at all they can check the rifle is on your license ? they may ask for I.D drivers license which they did the officer had no real reason for takeing my rifle at all one phone call later and then i received a full apoligy for any incoveniance it may caused me and i could go collect my rifle from the police station with no cert pointless exercise and waste of public money .but glad the rifle is back and no black marks :clapper:


sound like a case where the officer didnt no what he was doing. he prob new this but took the rifle so he didnt make himself look a donkey.


glad its all sorted and you got it back


If the PNC doesn't give details of each firearm on your cert then I can see the reason why it was taken as the cop doesn't know whether it's one that you have illegally. Had it been during a week day he could have easily phoned the licensing dept and checked.


As I say though, it can't be all that hard to make the details of each gun accessable on the PNC.



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  On 15/03/2010 at 18:04, foxdropper said:

Is it actualy an offence to not be carrying your firearms ?I always thought it was optional!.Been stoped before myself and no probs about not having license on me .


It is not an offence not to carry your FAC/SGC if you have firearms with you. However, sec.48 of the '68 Act says that a constable may require you to produce your cert and if you don't it says he can seize and detain it.


Section 48



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  On 15/03/2010 at 18:37, Urban Fox Control London said:


I hope you are going to write into the Chief Constable to complain and demand a personal written apology. boxing.gif



Being fair though the cops have the right in law to seize the gun if you don't produce your cert. It was at night (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) so they couldn't call the licensing dept to check about the rifle.


What would you do in the cops position? You stop a guy at night and find he's in possession of a gun and can't produce a ticket for it. Okay, you can verify that he's got a cert but you don't know if it covers that gun. What do you do? Moreover, what happens if you let him keep it and then subsequently discover that it was illegally held?



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  On 15/03/2010 at 23:38, dicehorn said:

I was always under the impression (probably wrongly) that the police could only sieze your rifle/shotgun if they thought (and had good reason) to suspect that you had or were about to commit a crime


That's section 47, I think. Anyway, even if that was the only reason then they could still use that section to seize the gun if you failed to produce a cert for it as they could reasonably suspect that you had it illegally.



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Im amazed really at the polices response here. Its effectively saying that if you have a FAC or SGC then they dont trust you?! And therefore send out the Armoured Response Unit, or advise the officers that (shudder at the thought) he has a shotgun license......


Surely if you have an FAC or SGC then the only thing that tells the police pulling you over in your car, is that you are a RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNER? And even if you do have a firearm in the car then as a responsbile owner, you will be ensuring that the weapon is safe. Id have thought the police would be at more risk pulling over a car which has no tax or MOT than pulling over someone who has a gun license.

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