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nikko laserking 4-12x44 reviews

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had one and got rid.


They're ok, but expensive for what they are.


I think the idea is that you can set the laser for say 25yds and the main scope for say 40yds, and it eliminates the need to either a) look through the scope for the 25yd range, or B) aid/eliminate with mil dot adjustment if quarry in either of these ranges.


I just didnt get on with it. Have a std 4x12x50 nikko sterling mountmaster on my BSA superten now and invested the refunded money in a rangefinder. Works a lot better and takes guess work out of judging the distance (you will still good rangeqork with the laserking otherwise its pointless)


Im summary its a good bit of kit, but for me it took the essence out of why i was in the field for, another gadget just for the sake of gadgets.


Let us know how you get on.

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