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our lass wants me to get rid of me dog

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The wife, the sixteen year old, the new pup, your own dog, that's roughly about the order in which they'd go.

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Build a dog pen to keep your dogs in, that way the yard is kept clean and your dogs are less likely to escape to be flattened on the road. Why can your young lad not help with looking after your dog, that way if he loses interest after a while, like many young ones do, you won't be left with another dog to care for or move on to another home?

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Hi mate iv got a 3month old lurcher pup the missis didnt mind then all the suddon she started fookin moanin the twat i just ignor her she moans all the time but at the end of the day there get ova it eventually just tell her ur get rid of it next week to shut her up for a week lol thats what i do keep the dog mate a dogs for life and it gets u dinner whoop whoop

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but if you both really thought any thing of each other you wouldnt be in this situation whistling.gif , are you sure she aint just looking for an excuse , a way out !!



You might have hit the nail on the head there mate.yes.gif

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Hi bud dont think anyone here could anwser that question.Its a hard one.Most womens hearts just melt when they see a pup.Honestly bud i would make up some story that the pup will die without an older dog to show it the ropes.There we go give the guy a reason why his women should let him keep them both.Atb . Catcherthumbs.gif

Because she would be a right b*****d not to! If a man meets a woman who happens to be a single mother he wouldnt be c**t enough to tell her to put the kid in care or he walks would he?! No im sorry mate, she knew you had dogs before she got serious with you and she still got serious with you, she knew what she was taking on.


im standing my ground on this , she can go whistle boxing.gifboxing.gif

are you a man or a mouse?lol :clapper:

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Tell the wifey the dogs going nowhere but she can leave if she wants to i did this with ex he said its me or the dogs so i helped him pack.Secondly get the boy and lock him in shitty kennel for a few hours and ask him if he enjoyed it when he says no well neither do the dogs mate.Then enjoy your dogs

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Simple soloution,, BUILD A DOG PEN/RUN, that way she has no reason to moan,,and if for some strange reason she still does,,,tell her ok,, if i get rid of one dog i get rid of them all as it is only fair, and that the kid may then find interest out on the streets getting into all kinds of trouble ! far worse things to spend a lads time than running dogs victory.gif .



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sorry mate but you are well under the thumb :wallbash: you need to get rid of all your dogs and concentrate on growing some balls then when you have TELL her you are getting your dogs back.

and i thought men were ment to be the stronger sex?



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