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Out today 13 March 2010

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Hi people,

I Know alot of you have wrapped up the ferreting side of things for this season, but needs must and i'm out all year round.

Myself and 'Bud' off here were out this morning on some land that we got only last week, we had been looking forward to getting on there as there are always rabbits to be seen out feeding.

We got there at about 0930 after checking in on another permission which drew a blank.

We spent some time scoping out the area and found that a fox had made it's new home in a dug out bit of the warren at the far end of the bank, :wallbash: , so we set ourselves a limit on how far along this bank we'd work.

So after spending half hour or so netting up the bank in the horse field post-30866-12684981984_thumb.jpgwe went back to the start and entered our four Jills, from then on it was some great action with very fast bolts, as expected we had no layups, good ole jills :notworthy: .

when we got to the end of the bank we done a short sloping bank at the other end and got 5 from there, Ending the trip with 17 rabbits, 16 good healthy adults and one mini one :thumbs:post-30866-126849822547_thumb.jpg


The ferrets worked brilliantly again and Bud was great company as usual.

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well done buddy look good rabbits to,i have not seen any young rabbits my way yet. :thumbs:


Cheers bouncer, we had a fer real little ones streaking through the nets and off, not too many of the adults were milky either :thumbs:

Its good to get these new long warrens cleared before the nettles get too out of hand, the little ones are already as spiteful as fcuk :censored:

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Thanks chaps, i was happy with the numbers too, it was one of those places that you always drive past and think 'blimey there's a few rabbits there' but never really do anything about it, this new bit butts up to an existing permission and was amazingly easy to get, one door knocked, nuber recieved then permission granted, in the space of five mins :icon_eek: , i do wonder why i didn't do it sooner :wallbash:

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