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mole traps... tunnel or scissors??

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i have more success with scissors than tunnel traps ,other people favour tunnel traps .... what am i doin wrong?


i too have had much more success with the scissor trap,

i found the scissor trap easier to lay, the added bonus with the scissor trap is you can

get a definate indication that the trap has been tripped as the arm is above ground, so

there is no need to disturb the scissor trap unless you either have a trapped mole or a backfill,


i found the tunnel trap was backfilled on a good percentage of layed traps,


i suppose its up to the individual, i just didnt have confidence in the tunnel traps,

so ended up using scissor traps only,

i caught hundreds,

and is a good way to get permission these days

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yeah i thinks its a confidence thing too.i also think tunnel traps disturb the run a little too much as well.... i think il carry on with the scissors traps for now ,least they withstand the trashing of hungry badgers too ... a pile of mangled traps soon become an expensive days work!

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Crap scissors are better than crap duffus. Good duffus are miles better than either though, and talpex kick the arse of all of em!


Just my opinion, like ;)


Oh, and talpirid? What a joke - looks like something that fell out of a bloody massive christmas cracker! I normally have 50 odd traps in the truck all the time, I'd need a 7.5 tonner for 50 of them things!



Edited by salukiwhippet
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I often don't know what sort of trap I'm going to be using till I've dugthe hole and decided which design suits the situation .

As far as scissors go I prefer the old fashioned type with the curved jaws over the modern straight legged type. I've even been known to tear a modern trap apart so I could use the springs to rejuvenate an old trap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

all the traps mensioned do the job but to what standard depends on the guy using them.Skissor traps have less metal and when digging the trap bed out you make less disdurbence than with the duffus.On the other hand you can take two moles in a duffus and only one in a skissor.i use them both for alsorts of different situations for example skissor traps are very difficult to use on a drilled field or on sausage runs but are very useful on deep tunnels so in my opinion they all take moles as good as each other as long as the trapper is compadent...P&G

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