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2 year old english pointer

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As above, its not like theses dogs.

I gave the dog to a friend, after i explained, it had bitten a person that was walking by my house.

my mate said he would keep it in his kennels.and try him when the pheasants start again.this is a well bread dog

and didnt want to put him to sleep.

it bit my mate and his son today,he will be put to sleep in the morning.

Dont no what happened,this dog was free around the farm and cuddled up to my 8month old son when he was in the house.

This all happened over this last week.

He loved people calling to our house before this.

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I would be inclined to get him checked by a vet before you have him PTS. A friend of mine had a spaniel do exactly the same, on a vet check they found it had a nasty infection in its gums and was in a massive amount of pain, After treatment the dog was back to its usual placid self. It had showed no signs of discomfort at all. Perhaps a long shot but worth it if you get your dog back. :thumbs:

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Sorry mate but in my eyes it's done the deed once and had a reprieve and now it's done it again to a kid.... Barrel time!!! wouldn't even bother with the vets if it's had a child. Probably get shit for this but that's my honest answer

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misplaced agression bud,

a real bummer but if it has gone this far then probably for the best.

does no body with no kids and aot of understanding need a dog??????????????????????????

No way mate,its worse than that.

Its gone cracked,this was a big gentle friendly pointer a week ago.

It couldnt be let out of its kennel now,even when im there.

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