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Anyone into auqariams? I have had a freshwater tank for a good 6 months now, Have Gouramis, Tetras, Platies and catfish all live plants, only thing ive got that i can not seem to get rid of is snails that seem to arive in the live plants, Does anyone know of a fish that eats these snails that would get on with the fish i already have in there?

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A Siamese Fighting Fish would get on well with all of them. Of course, when you ran out of spratlets it might climb out the tank and have a go at your kneecaps . . . Sorry mate, couldn't resist! How about a Great White? Or an Orca? Sperm Whales are supposed to be pretty hard nuts as well . . . Need a big tank though.



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A Siamese Fighting Fish would get on well with all of them. Of course, when you ran out of spratlets it might climb out the tank and have a go at your kneecaps . . . Sorry mate, couldn't resist! How about a Great White? Or an Orca? Sperm Whales are supposed to be pretty hard nuts as well . . . Need a big tank though.




:realmad: :realmad: :realmad:


Your a f*****g messing twat! I remember your post on my mates thread selling fish, you are an idiot,, keep your nose out of things if you dont have anything to say.


f*****g tool :chair:

Edited by klashnekoff
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Guest jt750

Get something like a coconut shell ( a saucer will do but its less decorative) and underneath it put one of those solid feed blocks this will attract the snails to the food and every day take the shell out get rid of the snails and return it...a few snails are ok but a lot are unsightly and are part of the eco system in a tank ..i don't know of any community fish that will eat them live and would imagine you would need a predator type to eat the snails which is what you don't need for a community tank.

If your inclined you can crush the snails between your fingers and then rinse them off in the tank and it will feed your fish also

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Get something like a coconut shell ( a saucer will do but its less decorative) and underneath it put one of those solid feed blocks this will attract the snails to the food and every day take the shell out get rid of the snails and return it...a few snails are ok but a lot are unsightly and are part of the eco system in a tank ..i don't know of any community fish that will eat them live and would imagine you would need a predator type to eat the snails which is what you don't need for a community tank.

If your inclined you can crush the snails between your fingers and then rinse them off in the tank and it will feed your fish also


Ive crushed everyone possible,, today i crushed over 100 small snails, few hours after cleaning and a few have appeared agian,, I clean the tank weekly and remove a hundred odd everytime, they keep making a come back tho. I think there must be breeding in the pebbles on the bottom of the tank or inside the live plants, I am thinking about switching to sand rather than pebbles to preven them living in the bottom pebbles.

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Hey, Kal, no offence meant. OK, I wind people up but there's no reason to blow your stack. You're in the wrong forum anyway. People on here take the piss out of each other. Chill out bro.



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Hey, Kal, no offence meant. OK, I wind people up but there's no reason to blow your stack. You're in the wrong forum anyway. People on here take the piss out of each other. Chill out bro.




No offence taken. Your right people on this forum do take the piss taken out of eachother, Thats why its as f****d up as what is is now.

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Any treatment that contains copper sulphate will rid your snails but is also likely to rid your fish unfortunately !....loaches are your best bet,clown loaches are attractive and good in a community tank and will almost definately help your snail problem.

Alternatively....just before you turn lights out at night pour boiling water over a lettuce leaf and secure it to the bottom....in the morning remove the leaf,and probably 90% of your snails with it :thumbs:

Edited by gnasher16
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