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Ethics on Hunting with an Air Rifle.

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Great Post Tris clapper.gif....


Far to many Nobheads take on shots when they can't Gurantee a clean kill or at least stop the quarry in its track until dispatched, seen and read it all before with lads just aiming at the quarry and squeezing the trigger without any thought of placing a shot......


All respect to our Quarry weather it be Vermin or not! from a sporting point of view where would be without it? Punching holes in paper and Tins I suspect thumbs.gif ....




Cheers mate!

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When I read the topic title my imediate thought was "Oh no here we go again someone else against air rifles."


But how wrong could I have been. That is exactly how hunting with air rifles or any other method should be.


Very well said sir.


All the best




Thanks mate!

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some of us hunt and have sex the things you can do with a warm rabbit :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:



atb gary




Should I or shouldn't I? :angel:


Gary, that doesn't say much for you Sir :no::laugh: :laugh:


But I'm not going to bring this thread any further down than that as we all got a bit of a bollocking not too long back after someone else said something along similar lines :yes:





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late in here, and havent read all the posts, but it seems to be a moral question that people are asking of themselve's, sort of like why are we here, isthere a god etc..


basicaly i've found (a long time ago) some people can, some can't and some definatly shouldnt be aloud.


if some finds themself incapable of it they shouldnt be made, it would probably affect them in the mind quite badly.

if some one's getting off on the 'kill' then maybe there's further complications to be concidered, like how long before the buzz of killing little thing's develope.. (or if it would ever get to that stage). and i mean the kill.. not the hunt.(there is a diference int there).


and finaly some people take it as it is.. it's food, pest controll or concervation, the kill part isnt at question, and they certainly dont feel bad about not asimilating thumper and bambi and the dream lands when gathering food.


at the end of the day plants respond to stimuli... just because we havent found bio mass with a brain tag attached... we dont actualy know do we on that front, therefore is there a guilt factor to eating plants, they were alive too. etc etc.


in terms of pest control, theyd eat you np's...it's how they live, if they over populate then sooner or later it's a case of not just cost (and those issues) but an actual die situation where all our food is eaten.

the natural 'progresion' theory seems to omit the human from the chain, or pritty much sais ahhh well, humans over populate and kill as many other species as posable and hay ho..it's progresion.


in enviromental terms all life co exsisted for an awful long time on a 'natural selection' theme, untill man made machines and mass distruction, so surely man has the obligation to maintain as many species as posable (particularly as he is the only 'inteligent' form that can wipe them out un naturaly as they say).

shooting one now againt killing 100's of thousands later?... who's the cruel one?


in a word the 'responcability' to protect an eco system, when one species goes another flurush's upsetting the natural scheme of things..rigt down to deseises micro organisms and the plankton that supply something like 70 percent or more oxygen that we need to breeth. kill the planktonas food they die out...along with a multitude of other species...etc etc etc.


so.........it's an ethic about yourself that you ask.............................................................(not one you can impose on another with a closed mind about what you want).

Edited by ghillies
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Now Now Boys,


Please play nice,

Begsy, shroom was just trying to inject a lil humor into the thread :thumbs:


Aaron I refere you to read the T&C's of using the board, which clearly state, dont extract the urine out of peoples spelling :angel:



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