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Ethics on Hunting with an Air Rifle.

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After reading the topic 'first kill' i can't stop thinking about the ethical questions of hunting with an air rifle. Is it good or bad? Right or wrong? does anyone really care?


A Greek philosopher called Epictetus once said 'nothing is right or wrong, good or bad. it is only our opinion of them that makes them so'.


Killing an animal with an air rifle, is neither right or wrong, because it is a value argument. The majority of people live in towns and cities seem to have the 'death' as a bad and 'birth' as a good - when infact they are both equally an essential part of nature, only they attribute death as a negative, because they don't like the idea dying themselves. People who get out and spend time in the country, and hunt are closer to nature, or at least more familiar with it's process of change (things dying and being replaced). When you have shot a rabbit, and look at it, it becomes apparent that we too can be taken away just as easily. And so the value we attribute to death is one less hysterical. So one group of people who have little or no contact with death perceive it as bad and another group who readily come into contact with it perceive it as natural.


How can we enjoy hunting? Well, i believe because we are supposed to. Nature made sex pleasurable in order to ensure we reproduce. Nature made hunting pleasurable in order to make sure we ate! All predatory animals enjoy hunting. And i dare say, a great many of the townies who shun hunting would probably enjoy it too.


So why do we need bother with ethics? We need to give the prey we hunt respect, not for the animals sake, but for our own self-respect and for the reputation of hunting with an air rifle, because in years to come our numbers may be smaller and the townies will be greater in number. We need to show the prey respect to give ourselves respect, with self respect we can talk of our sport with confidence and when we introduce a newbie to our sport, they will see how treat our prey and how we conduct ourselves and this will leave a positive impression with all who come into contact with our sport, regardless of whether they take it up. It will contribute to the future as well as leave it a better environment for the younger generation to assent into.


So i do believe ethics in air rifle hunting, is important.

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Hi Tristan.


Nicely put mate, if only everybody showed the same restraint and consideration towards hunting,.......... and the creatures we hunt.


Its not a free for all, running around the countryside half heartedly taking pot shot's at anything that's around.

Hunting should be a practiced art, if people cant be bothered to put in the effort to hone their equiptment AND their skill's, then they should be banned from Hunting.


They should certainly be BANNED from this forum which is for people who DO care, and who do hunt responsibly.


If we get people here running off at the mouth, bragging about their lack of care and respect for their quary, the Moderators should act quickly and get rid of them, instead of letting posts ramble on full of arguments and ridiculous comments.


Protect our hunting.....and our Forum.





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Hi Tristan.


Nicely put mate, if only everybody showed the same restraint and consideration towards hunting,.......... and the creatures we hunt.


Its not a free for all, running around the countryside half heartedly taking pot shot's at anything that's around.

Hunting should be a practiced art, if people cant be bothered to put in the effort to hone their equiptment AND their skill's, then they should be banned from Hunting.


They should certainly be BANNED from this forum which is for people who DO care, and who do hunt responsibly.


If we get people here running off at the mouth, bragging about their lack of care and respect for their quary, the Moderators should act quickly and get rid of them, instead of letting posts ramble on full of arguments and ridiculous comments.


Protect our hunting.....and our Forum.






Amen Bill :clapper:

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Nature made sex pleasurable in order to ensure we reproduce.



Great post only one thing whats this "sex" you talk of Id like to give that a whirl :whistling:


Haha! No idea mate - perhaps we're hunting the wrong prey? :whistling:

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some of us hunt and have sex the things you can do with a warm rabbit :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:



atb gary




Should I or shouldn't I? :angel:


Gary, that doesn't say much for you Sir :no::laugh: :laugh:


But I'm not going to bring this thread any further down than that as we all got a bit of a bollocking not too long back after someone else said something along similar lines :yes:



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Great Post Tris clapper.gif....


Far to many Nobheads take on shots when they can't Gurantee a clean kill or at least stop the quarry in its track until dispatched, seen and read it all before with lads just aiming at the quarry and squeezing the trigger without any thought of placing a shot......


All respect to our Quarry weather it be Vermin or not! from a sporting point of view where would be without it? Punching holes in paper and Tins I suspect thumbs.gif ....



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