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Fox shooting advice needed

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Right lads iv not shot many foxes, infact the only ones i have shot have been stumbled across whilst rough shooting.

Iv been asked to remove a fox that keeps hanging around a chicken run,

Its lamp shy and i only shoot shotguns.

I was thinking of trying one of those fox enticer one night before it gets dark.

Any suggestions on how to get this fox are very welcome.

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if he is coming during the day and you can sit and wait for him then ok.

can you leave a light on over night even better you will not need to call untill he gets quite close.he will get used to the light being on and make easy shooting(poss better with a rifle of suitable caliber,i'm sure someone can help you out near you).


they will mostly "run in" on a couple of "passes" or paths,this may be the best way to snare him.


he may have an earth nearby where you can get to him with a terrier(bearing in mind he may be with a vixen and cubs) so digging will probably be the way forward.


if you have permission on the land then bushing the hedges/cover during the day(by reasonably good/dry weather) can be productive but not targeting the culprit specificly.


if you need a hand then you will need a location(rough) so that people near you can give you a shout.

good luck




p.s. if a quick result is needed then go for a "multi pronged" attack. night/day shooting,snares and knock around the hedges and earths over a weekend.the more productive the happier the farmer( i shoot for a chicken farmer too).

bear in mind the legal requirements for digging to terriers etc(pinned section).

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Put some bait out for him a couple of nights before you plan your ambush, they are creatures of habit. Buy a packet of liver (less than a £1) and leave it out in the same spot, it will always enjoy a free and easy meal, then on the third night all you need to do is sit tight and be patient and hope the stench of the liver is stronger than your scent (not being cheeky... you know what I mean).


Also apply for your FAC as if their are chickens about, this will not be a one off, foxes will move into an area that has a supply of juicy tender chickens.


Happy huntinggunsmilie.gif and don't forget to pu up a pic of it when you nail it!smile.gif

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Trouble is the hen run is next to the farm house and the farm is in the centre of several large fields devided by dry stone walls

The fox seems to be coming from the direction of a main road and crossing/hunting on the land i have permission on then heading to/from a nature reserve.

its not possible to snare him.

He appears in the field behind the hen run every night at around 8pm. as soon as he sees the lamp he is gone.

If you squeek he sits and watches from about 600yrds off

I only tried to squeek him once and realised he was not having it.

Im going to try the enticer one night and try and squeek him in,

Thank you very much for the replies fellas

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or a fox trap, then shoot the bugger







Put some bait out for him a couple of nights before you plan your ambush, they are creatures of habit. Buy a packet of liver (less than a £1) and leave it out in the same spot, it will always enjoy a free and easy meal, then on the third night all you need to do is sit tight and be patient and hope the stench of the liver is stronger than your scent (not being cheeky... you know what I mean).


Also apply for your FAC as if their are chickens about, this will not be a one off, foxes will move into an area that has a supply of juicy tender chickens.


Happy huntinggunsmilie.gif and don't forget to pu up a pic of it when you nail it!smile.gif


Im in the process of applying for my FAC!!!!

There is a footpath runs next to the hen run, traps used in the past have been tampered with.

Again thank you fro the replies, im taking notes.

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You need someone with a rifle, a lamp with a filter and patience. If he won't come to you then you gotta go to him :thumbs: If he sits at 600yrds then get walking 450yrds out to him and blat it with a rifle. If you sit there squeeking and he won't come then try wetting a bit of polystyrene and rub on a glass bottle, that may just get him in closer, or find his run amd wait for it to come to you. Get in place a good hour before he normally comes and shoot it that way. :boxing:

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:hunter::gunsmilie: You will have to do your homework if you want to takeout this fox. Find out where he is coming from is the main thing, it may well be using several different runs to get to the chicken run, but it well uses these runs so set some snares (properly and legally) it may take up to a week or so to catch the fox. Or try. If there is no natural hide ask the farmer to put some bales out (to make a hide), allow the fox to becomes acustomised to the new feature and bait the area within shotgun range (no more than 40 yards). Use BB or No.1 3" cartridges. What ever you do do not call him with the usual callers he know them. Look on the internet for chicken noises and download them onto a mp3. Have FUN :hunter:

Right lads iv not shot many foxes, infact the only ones i have shot have been stumbled across whilst rough shooting.

Iv been asked to remove a fox that keeps hanging around a chicken run,

Its lamp shy and i only shoot shotguns.

I was thinking of trying one of those fox enticer one night before it gets dark.

Any suggestions on how to get this fox are very welcome.

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Right lads iv not shot many foxes, infact the only ones i have shot have been stumbled across whilst rough shooting.

Iv been asked to remove a fox that keeps hanging around a chicken run,

Its lamp shy and i only shoot shotguns.

I was thinking of trying one of those fox enticer one night before it gets dark.

Any suggestions on how to get this fox are very welcome.



get some 3" magnum cartridges and be ready he will come in good style, put them out around 4pm leave them for an hour, go back at 5pm and get settled in, you have another hour before dark (roughly) bet you get him within 2 days

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I can get a rifleman on it if needs be but i want to bag this sonbitch



some good tips there. if he won't come to the call then try a different one bud(the downloads on the net are not bad at all,i find them not loud enough with my phone).


the very best of luck

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:hunter::gunsmilie: Its better to used a mp3 player and a cass creek big horn speaker from sportsman gun centre :whistling:

I can get a rifleman on it if needs be but i want to bag this sonbitch



some good tips there. if he won't come to the call then try a different one bud(the downloads on the net are not bad at all,i find them not loud enough with my phone).


the very best of luck

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