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First kill

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  On 11/03/2010 at 22:38, aaronpigeonplucker said:
  On 11/03/2010 at 14:55, plinkplinkplop said:

Cheers Adam :thumbs: The Ewe didn't make it, just the eyes pecked this morning, poor bugger was in Lamb too.


Hmmm well how do I answer all these points, I can see some fun :censored: conversations going on on this Forum. First Rabbit kill at night, used to shoot anything that moved!! And then Women, Bikes, Cars and kids came along!!!


Found the pellet just behind the front leg and a couple of ribs all caved in, was it a good shot I geuss so but I'm sure I will find out in the next few posts lol


As for putting 10 pellets in a twenty pence piece, maybe at Ten yds :whistling: And from standing that is some achievment :big_boss:If I can hit a Rabbit at 40/50 yds I'm happy whether I take it for the pot or it gets away, as they say shit happens.


The way I look at is its one less Rabbit thats colapsing hedges, distroying crops etc, etc, etc. The farmer is happy and I am happy to be out enjoying what I do with a mate, and on even better note I picked up another 70/80 acres today :yes::toast::yes:

you don't want to 'hit' a rabbit a 40/50 yards, you want to kill it cleanly


I know what you are saying aaron and I should have worded it differantly :thumbs:

Edited by plinkplinkplop
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  On 11/03/2010 at 09:29, maltenby said:

Nice one fella! :good:


We all get runners now and again mate, sometimes folk on these forums stick the 'whiter than white hat' on and forget that simple fact. With practice you can minimise it, but there's still always that chance. I've seen a rabbit run into a hedge after being hit in the head with a .22LR...





Mal :thumbs:

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