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lamping hares

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stabba.daytime hare's are special in most decent dog lads eye's,I am not a member of the saluki brigade but can recognise that it takes a good dog to catch a full grown winter hare,you will wipe them

I dont Think Many of You who were NOT devouted pre ban hare coursers are ever going to understand, why we were so passionate about it, what we once had can never be gotten back, unless we get FULL

Just got back into hunting the past year and a half after being out off the game for a well.Back then l hunted hares during the day but never had any good really hares dogs about me and was really jus

  On 11/03/2010 at 19:35, iceman001979 said:

Respect thats what most off you that hunt the hare during the day are saying.

Just like to ask one question to you so called hare men how many off you that catch hares during the day bring them home to eat either for you or the dog????

Because l know most people on the north off lreland that hunt hare during the day dont bring them home incase they get stopped by the police and get fined and the dogs and cars taken off them and when the hare is killed just throwing it into a ditch FACT!.So if your talking about an animal that deserves respect how can you call that respect!!!!

Nothing had ever gone to waste Fact!

I have the upmost respect for old Puss and the best in day time have always gotten away, even from the top names, they held that old Puss in High esteem, so much so they would sooner pay a fine rather then run old rapido :notworthy:

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iv a jack russell here that would take out a hare on the lamp rabbits are harder to deck,its a sin to kill a hare on the lamp espically here in Ireland,a hare in an average size field is like puddy with a lamp blinding hell out of it and you get people bragging about how many hares ther dog killed on the lamp but couldnt do it day time....

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  On 11/03/2010 at 20:33, LamperJohn said:

Bird, not being personal, just stating that lighter type dogs have that bit more agility than heavier types, by the way Chris is the lad with the two nice collie crosses, all the best for next season. regards lamperjohn.



you right mate, a nice lighter type salukix, thats what i would get next time. They will run all night bags of wind+drive. :thumbs:

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  On 11/03/2010 at 01:12, nighteyes said:

agree hares much easier on the lamp,but a springer catching now that id love to see :icon_eek:

hares are up and abot at night, would like to see this springer, i had g/sheperd and springer both get hares daytime(out the seat.lol).my view is if you got lamping dog run the hares, but not in the coursing fen/marsh land. stick to the fields, and away from where i live lol. it makes sense if yor dog kills 2,3 regulaar on lamp,try promoting it to day, stop the slaying, but its good to see on the lamp, i love it too, but thres too many people who think they got match dog for getting three on the lamp, my personal turning point was when we had 16 with 3 dogs and (9 rabbits) it made me realise that field wold nevr be the same, we were ruining our own grond locally, now i run my yongsters only or my old 10 yr old on lamp, good dogs stay daytime on fen or open land locally. for all people who disagree totally with this, just realise things are not what they were, people are lampng more now cos of risk of getting locked up in day, or been locked up too many times, i can understand wanting to run the hares cos thats the only way they can, its easy to say i,m after rabbits guv honest. :whistling: Edited by coursingmad
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  On 11/03/2010 at 20:41, bird said:
  On 11/03/2010 at 20:33, LamperJohn said:

Bird, not being personal, just stating that lighter type dogs have that bit more agility than heavier types, by the way Chris is the lad with the two nice collie crosses, all the best for next season. regards lamperjohn.



you right mate, a nice lighter type salukix, thats what i would get next time. They will run all night bags of wind+drive. :thumbs:

Ray, i thought you were over the moon with Brynn, Craig did a good job with him last season, a good collie cross bred the right way as ample stamina for a hard nights lamping, have you gone off collie crosses. regards collie john.

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  On 11/03/2010 at 19:35, iceman001979 said:

Respect thats what most off you that hunt the hare during the day are saying.

Just like to ask one question to you so called hare men how many off you that catch hares during the day bring them home to eat either for you or the dog????

Because l know most people on the north off lreland that hunt hare during the day dont bring them home incase they get stopped by the police and get fined and the dogs and cars taken off them and when the hare is killed just throwing it into a ditch FACT!.So if your talking about an animal that deserves respect how can you call that respect!!!!

RESPECT ,is when a day walker returns, :thumbs: home feeds hounds and travels 50 miles back to collect dead hares

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ive seen my dog take the piss out of lamped hares, and also seen lamped hares rip the piss out of my dog. if you are going to eat the hare i dont see the problem lamping it. but we all know a day time hare is the only way to test a lurcher. my current dog is lamping bred, beddy whippet x collie grey so would struggle on a good daytime hare and i know that. but after a night about a month ago when i took her for a shine when she was in season and running poor, and she killed two hares in the space on 2 minutes, i would rather see her struggle daytime and if she ever does get one it will make me feel 100 times better. :thumbs:

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Guest joe ox

Hares deserve no more or less respect than any other quarry night or day. If I want to run them on the lamp I WILL yes.gif AND DONT GIVE A f**k WHAT ANYONE THINKS feck.gif Sadly I cannot now because its ILLEGAL!!!!!!!

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Guest 2GOOD
  On 11/03/2010 at 23:58, joe ox said:

Hares deserve no more or less respect than any other quarry night or day. If I want to run them on the lamp I WILL yes.gif AND DONT GIVE A f**k WHAT ANYONE THINKS feck.gif Sadly I cannot now because its ILLEGAL!!!!!!!

ment to ask ,how many did you get last week after , whilst out lamping :D

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lamping on big fast open land at nite can be as sporting as day time at times when land suits the hare but lamping in small feilds were the hare hits the hedge ,dyke, is not real good sport just hunting , day time is the best test for a good dog but in the [bANNED TEXT] feilds with open land a good hare will run the same and get out the beam alot of places i lamp, caut as many in day time as nite time , as they get out the lamp , and dont hang about , but in certain areas its alot easier by far , if my dogs catch hares without much trouble there back on leash as well no piont in killing to much for the pot when it was legal , but had big nites when the demand was there , ill not knock any body lamping a hare ,but if they are eay and daft not much sport its when you put the lite on bang ,gone ,ears down and out the beam thats when you need a dog that can turn them and keep them in the feild to lamp them ,if there plenty about no harm in takeing afew all the best

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