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a rise in bull terrier numbers

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is it not how you bring a dog up that sets the temprament, im sure if i left my dog in a dingy flat for days on end on its own it would start to crack up, same thing all the time, getting tarred with the same "viciouse dog" brush

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Back in the early 's almost every show you'd go to had a bull classes. Was a good money spinner for the club, as they were always well attended and seen some spectacular dogs there..... Great!   Sad

If by "ACES" you mean the club based nr brighton . . . then yes i agree, these guys show their dogs and compete them on the lure, high wall, weight pull, long jump etc . . . . I've attended loads of

your options are as previously said   travel further   approach local shows and enquire about special classes   start your own bull breed event   or get yourself off to crufts.   beside the

is it not how you bring a dog up that sets the temprament, im sure if i left my dog in a dingy flat for days on end on its own it would start to crack up, same thing all the time, getting tarred with the same "viciouse dog" brush

who said they are VICIOUSE

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Life is soooooooooooooooooo unfair ...................


Welcome to the world.


I doubt I'd have fitted up any chimneys aged 3, never mind any older, but if you got any women who need their stink pipe clearing then I'm your man.



How do you know that none of the shows advertised on here do not have a class for your pet dog turned worker? Have you rung and asked? Or pm'd any of the organisers?


I'd bet you haven't.


Maybe the show organisers have just been waiting for a bull breed expert like your self to come along and organise the bull classes for them.


Until you've tried, what's the point of you moaning on here.


Shame you haven't got half the tenacity you expect your dog to have, if you had you'd be doing something, not whingeing about how unfair life is.





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samstorm..many shows put on the any other terrier to try to cater for all those that whinge they cant show their dogs..and speaking from my own show its mainly staffies that win and yes we do allow it to go through to the championship hopefully just for a bit of fun for the owner(aint that what its all about..fun)but be it fair or not(thats life)its not gonna be show champ its just too different a ball game :thumbs:

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i think that there should be a class for other terriers at shows




There normally is!


That's my point, he's jumping to the conclusion that there aren't any, if 10 people turned up with bull terriers then I doubt any show would turn them away.


It's soooooooo easy to sit and criticise (OP I mean not you LB), and assume things, but unless he actually goes to a show with his dog and there's enough others to run a specific class, then what's the point even talking about it?



It takes a lot off effort to run a show, but as usual, those that think it can be done better only type about it! :doh:

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The Yorkshire Game Fair has a any other terrier not previously mentioned on their terrier schedules and i think EDRD has one too and the classes winner is eligable for the final.Last year there was a westie and an ebt in the class.




There you go!


And most of the Lurcherworld shows have a class too ............ I know because I conned my bird into entering our Stafford into it for a laugh last year ............ :laugh:

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we have very often put classes like cross bred terrier or terrier not classified else where in our shows years ago and never got a dog entered so thats why they were dropped i have nothing against bull breeds or the bull cross lurchers but you need to ask a lot of the other terrier people who show you would be surprised how they would react ( or maybe not ) as i have seen the reaction in the lurcher classes to bull crosses who are shown in under or over classses when they dont have a seperate class ... its not so easy to organise a show and keep everyone happy as some people may think ..ur right on that score SS :toast::thumbs:

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strongstuff i would rather you didnt post pictures of your missus coz damn thats wrong, my point is, in the shows round my area there is no class for my dog, and if there can be bull x classes in lurcher shows why not a bull class,

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Timid Toad your spot on there :thumbs:


S are you suggesting that Lurcher shows should add whippet,saluki,greyhound,deerhounds to lurcher shows because surely there are pedigree kennel club shows for pedigrees which crossbreds and lurchers are not allowed to attend.

So by the same token there must be shows for you pedigree bull breeds,thats including the shows mentioned above that also put on extra classes or special bull events.It seems your getting the same crack of the whip as everyone else.

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ACES attend many of the Lurcher World and Coursing Crew events, the ones that are within a reasonable distance, we ran and showed the Staffords at the Midlands game fair (the year it was all turned around on its head) its all about organisation and getting the dogs there, we have bull breed classes because we can turn up with enough dogs to warrant it and when we dont we shove em in the terrier groups, they rarely do place in the working dog classes but we get out and we have a laugh.


Some of us at Detling March last year



At Romsey



Running em with Paddy at Midlands



At Ongar in a terrier class



Gosh I got loads of pics, anybody with any breed but especially if you have bull breeds and you want to get involved just join the ACES forum (hope im allowed to say that, admin please edit post if not) we always have a thread running about upcoming events we are going to attend, we are more than happy to meet up with people and get more dogs out there............. £$%^&*()_)(.com/A_C_E_S/index/

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Timid Toad your spot on there :thumbs:


S are you suggesting that Lurcher shows should add whippet,saluki,greyhound,deerhounds to lurcher shows because surely there are pedigree kennel club shows for pedigrees which crossbreds and lurchers are not allowed to attend.

So by the same token there must be shows for you pedigree bull breeds,thats including the shows mentioned above that also put on extra classes or special bull events.It seems your getting the same crack of the whip as everyone else.

there are classes that these breeds can enter, e,g, pure bred sighthound, but theres nothing for a bull terrier, unless you put it in any terrier wich dont usually go to the championship, but hopefully this year will be different

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your options are as previously said


travel further


approach local shows and enquire about special classes


start your own bull breed event


or get yourself off to crufts.


beside the above options do you realy beleive that a staff would beat other working terriers that fit down holes.


there would be uproar and the show would lose its support and these shows are often for charities.


Get up and do something and stop bleating about it.

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