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Most foxes dug from one burrow

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Sometimes it depends on where youre hunting,over the years ive come to the conclusion urban foxes are much less terratorial than country foxes,my mate bolted 10 in a few hrs a couple of weeks ago in a relativly small area,and multiple foxes using one large earth or rock pile[ussually steel slag,in our case] isnt that unusual.At one time i noticed a lot of the urban foxes we caught were fairly well scarred on their snouts,no doubt in my mind these marks were from other foxes,but these days theres a ridicilous number of them so maybe they have adapted and changed their behaviour?

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Guest dee mac

a neighbour of mine s young black and tan dog in early stages of his working career entered a large stone drain and pulled out 5 almost fully grow cubs then was dug after going back in lying in the vixen with the dog fox tucked in behind her that was a total of 7 from same place dog took alot of abuse and lost all the hair around his muzzle eyes and ears it grew back after a month or so the said dog carried on in this manner his whole working career and by time he died had lost a lot more than just hair was a good ol dog. ;)

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