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Irish National and International Game Fairs

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Apparently other organisers admire our branding and overall success so much that they wish to tap into it by using brand names of our fairs or variants of them in their advertising.


In order to alleviate any confusion that this might cause we wish to make the following statements :


1. Northern Ireland's national Game Fair is the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle on the 26th & 27th June 2010. There is no doubt whatsover that the 2009 fair at Shanes Castle had the largest attendance ever achieved by any Game Fair in Ireland, the largest prize fund and the most competitors. Furthermore it was the first Irish game or country fair to be televised internationally for web and satellite TV by a major TV company.


2. The Republic of Ireland's National Game Fair is the Irish Game and Country Fair Fair at Birr Castle on the 28th & 29th August 2010. There is no doubt whatsover that the 2009 fair at Birr Castle had the largest attendance at any game or country fair in the ROI , the largest prize fund, the most competitors and the largest and most varioed exhibitor base. Overall it was much larger and more successful than the rather tiny 'copy' down the road which appeared big on hype and nothing else and in fact the organisers of which appear to have the temerity to describe it as a 'national game and country fair.' Furthermore the REAL Irish Game and Country Fair was the first ROI based Irish game or country fair to be televised internationally for web and satellite TV by a major TV company.


We are prepared to stand over these statements in any forum or court of law. We don't get involved in PR hype we deliver what we advertise!


Having said all of this there is absolutely no reason why game and country fairs in Ireland cannot co-exist peacefully and positively. All we ask is that other organisers have the confidence in their own fairs to concentrate on promoting their own fairs using their own brand names and stop apparently trying to tap into the success of ours. We can assure them we will certainly not be using their brand names in our advertising!


AND the good news is that in 2010 we are adding to the two national ( NI & ROI) Fairs with a third Irish Game Fair , the Ballywalter Game & Country Living Fair on 2nd May 2010 AND that ALL three fairs are likely to receive international coverage.

Edited by AlbertJ
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as your advertising for birr irish gamefairs i liked to see yourself and mid antrim terrier club at the countryside march in waterford on the 27th as we all need to stick together on this one this goes to all country sports not just hounds or terrier look forward to your surport yours fionn

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as your advertising for birr irish gamefairs i liked to see yourself and mid antrim terrier club at the countryside march in waterford on the 27th as we all need to stick together on this one this goes to all country sports not just hounds or terrier look forward to your surport yours fionn





Thanks for your response. I am not a member of the Mid Antrim Terrier Club and cannot speak for them as to what they do or where they go. If they choose not to go to Waterford, a twelve hour plus return journey, for most of them then that is up to them. If they don't it doesn't mean they support country sports any less than people who travel 30 minutes to one hour down the road down to Waterford.


As for the organising team of the great Game Fairs of Ireland and Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine we have already supported RISE in a number of ways including giving them publicity in our current magazine - the Spring edition. We also support most public demonstrations of country sports unity by a physical presence such as we had at the STOP campaign March in Killarney - in fact the whole team were there - were you?


In fact we supported this particular very well organised campaign in a number of other ways as well and were delighted and rather humbled to be given a special publicity award by FISSTA for the support we gave them in helping achieve the objectives of this very successful campaign.


On a personal basis I do not know whether I will get to Waterford or not - I hope to but have a long standing

engagement that w/e - but both the magazine and the Great Game Fairs of Ireland will be represented by at least one of my colleagues. The march in Waterford is important and as in Killarney a good show of strength is important but the 'war' will not be won by this march alone and whether I personally atend the march in Waterford or not we have committed ourselves to supporting RISE in the battles that lie ahead.



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just to let you know albertj iv been to all the gamefairs dogshow in the north which was 3 hours both ways as do plently of people from the north come down to the south for the kilkenny show etc i will be at any rally which will save hunting talk is cheap lets see ye down there as for mid antrim there ok too take our money at birr show all we ask in return is surport nice big banner with you and shamus underneath it fionn

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just to let you know albertj iv been to all the gamefairs dogshow in the north which was 3 hours both ways as do plently of people from the north come down to the south for the kilkenny show etc i will be at any rally which will save hunting talk is cheap lets see ye down there as for mid antrim there ok too take our money at birr show all we ask in return is surport nice big banner with you and shamus underneath it fionn




Thanks for your response. I thank you for the interest you show in both my activities and those of the Mid Antrim Club. Although as I have made it clear apart from the Mid Antrim Club organising our shows I have no control over what the club does.


I note you haven't answered my question as to whether you were at the Killarney rally or indeed at the various rallies/meetings/protests in NI to support hunting and to object to the Irish Hare being put on the protected list. However as I am sure you and anyone else is aware the attendance at a particular rally doesn't obviously signify whether or not you support country sports in general or that particular cause. Lots of things interfere with attendances at particular events including logistics and other planned commitments especially if the rally/meeting is called at short notice.


As I have explained I have other long standing commitments the w/e of the Waterford protest and if I can change them I will BUT as I stated if I cannot make it the Great Game Fairs of Ireland will be still represented by at least one Director and several of our event organisers and event staff and the magazine will be represented by at least four of our correspondents and possibly the ROI editor although he too has other commitments that w/e.


I have done much more than talk about my support for country sports and in fact apart from not showing terriers in the ROI or anywhere else I have been heavily involved in virtually every facet of country sports throughout Ireland for over forty years. Unlike the attitude you apparently take, I don't take a 'them and us' or North/South perspective on country sports. I consider there have never really been any boundaries in country sports in Ireland or amongst country sports people in Ireland except in the minds of a few.


AND as I have said in the past, I have been privileged to put my hand in my pocket deeply to support virtually every major country sport and organisation in Ireland and quite a few clubs, and of course in over 31 years of organising 41 game and country fairs and in 25 years of publishing magazines, I have promoted and defended ALL country sports to not only the country sports community but also to the general public in spite of animal rights activists attacking me, my home and business and threatenning my family.


I have supported RISE by publishing information about their campaign in the latest magazine, although details of the march were not available when we went to press, but I have published details of the march on our events calendar on our web portal www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com thus taking the message to over 5,000 contacts per week.


It is important that there is a good turnout at Waterford and at future demonstrations of strength of feeling. But these are but a 'battle/skirmish' in the 'war' to be fought and won. In winning the 'war' and the argument publications such as ours and our Game Fairs which not only 'preach to the converted' but also influence and educate the general uncommitted public will be very important. This is where I feel I and my team can play the most valuable role in helping win the argument for country sports and against undue givernment influence.


Of course if I can attend the Waterford or other rallies, as I have done in the past, I will be there to support RISE and other organisations in such 'battles/skirmishes' but if I cannot be there, then I will be playing my part in many other ways in winning the total argument.


I have done you the courtesy of taking time out of a very busy schedule ( as you can see from the time I am writing this) to answer you because you appear to be extremely passionate about defending country sports and I know that my record and involvement over 50 years proves I feel at least equally passionate about promoting and defending these sports. I trust you will do me the courtesy of appreciating that much as I would like to drop everything I have planned to go to Waterford, at present I have commitments to fulfill to many other people and that is why I am currently working seven days a week and my diary is full for several months ahead.


I do hope to be at Waterford and if not I am sure our paths will cross in the future.



Edited by AlbertJ
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