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Ask the farmer mate he should know whats cleared on the ground.

When you put your forms in your FEO will check anyway if the land is cleared & for what calibre,if its not cleared he will walk round it with you and check it for suitability.


For example a piece of new permission ive just been cleared on,a friend of mine also shoots, using a .243, i took for granted it would go through sharpish as i had a smaller calibre, The land was only cleared for .22, he was on an open ticket.


Hope this helps.

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hi mate


well first of all to aquire a fac for the kind of shooting i presume you want it for (ie Vermin etc) you will need the permission from the land ownwer of the land you wish to shoot over as this would be the reason you are asking for the calibre you are wanting,and have a real need to have one.and for that you will need his signature,Also may i add a couple of referees who could vouch for you(so i believe) then its a matter of wether the land is suitable or not.....now your local firearms officer would be able to tell you by looking over there records and checking if there has already been a check in place,if not then they would have to arrange a check to decide for which callibre is suitable for that bit of land....


check with the land owner first as he maywell know more and if he would be willing to sign you to his land,also check with your firearms depo. hope this helps a little bit. good luck :thumbs:

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There's no point asking the landowner. It's the FLO's decision, not his and land does have to be re-surveyed periodically so he may not be up-to-date. I would ask the FLO (Firearms Licensing Office) rather than the FEO (Firearms Enquiry Officer) as they can check the database while you're on the phone, the FEO would likely have to go back to them, check and then come back to you.


You only need to declare one piece of land on your FAC Application and although it doesn't mention it anywhere on the forms most FLO's will ask for a copy of your written signed permission. This land WILL be checked to see if it is suitable for the calibre you're applying for and if your application is granted as a "Closed" ticket then you can shoot on other bits of land but it is your responsibilty to check with the FLO that the land has either already been surveyed as suitable or arrange a survey by the FEO that covers where the land is.


You don't need a licence to check if land is already cleared, you can ring them up before you put your application in if you want to be sure.

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