fishfish 17 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Earlier this morning i near choked on my cornflakes when i heard the news broadcaster announce on the wireless that the government is to make it compulsory to insure dogs against attacking a person. now they cant just simply ban every breed the RSPCA tell them ,however if they introduce this many blood lines will be lost.Here is how i think the back handed law will work,a Labrador retriever will be say £50 to insure but go to insure a breed the RSPCA want gone like a greyhound and all of a sudden its £400 and a bull breed £1000! As the RSPCA have commented,'this would help in curbing irresponsible pet ownership. ..." joe blogs thinks this means vicious dogs but remember the pet-stazi aka the R$PCA want all hunting banned they view using dogs to hunt and work with guns to be wrong,as they will no doubt be the governments 'expert pannel' on this i guess our jack russels, lurchers, bullbreeds and gundogs will cease to exist,job done. Theyre gonna do this,mark my words and there bugger all you can do about it. When i learned about an old anti poaching law that said that no one without a few acres of their own land could own a dog i thaught that it was ridiculous and it was a good thing we live in more enlightened times,how wrong i was! All i can say to you all is get off yer backsides and write,write like you have never before and send the letters to your MP's dont sit about in appathy like you did when the hunting ban was proposed and when it came into affect bemoaned it.Spread the word,tell your friends,colleagues,employees,neighbours and internet friends. united we stand ,devided we fall. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
oggy808 24 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 this will work just as well as the ban on hand guns ?????? the normal people suffer, the criminal element just carrie on as they always have and will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get this goverment out before we have to have a law for us to breath Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Matt 160 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I'm going to cause a row now, because I think that third party insurance would be a good thing for dog owners. How many times have we seen threads on here about 'my dog attacked by another dog', and who picks up the bill? Usually the responsible dog owner.... There is also the issue of damage to stock by irresponsible dog owners animals. If everyone was insured, then potentially less dogs would be shot because the owner of the stock would know that he could recover damages from the insurance companies. Third party insurance doesn't have to cost a lot, although I understand that some insurance companies may hike the prices of certain breeds. Will breeds die out as a result? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. It's like cars. Responsible drivers take out insurance. I think it is far too easy to obtain dogs, and there are plenty of examples of people getting dogs and not looking after them properly. Perhaps it may put a few of those less responsible dog keepers off buying and selling dogs like commodities. The law I'm waiting for is the one that makes cat owners responsible for the actions of their animals (like dog owners). 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
poacher3161 1,766 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 FFS another proposed stealth tax by this shit house goverment i wonder wat the insurance will be on a lurcher I for one would refuse to pay it and i thought the tories were c==ts bringing the poll tax in 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) Yet again it's using blanket measures to get at the ones causing trouble. Why on earth should the majority of dog owning people be forced to pay for the actions of the idiotic few? Dog insurance is one thing, but will this insurance cover accidents to the dog? I'm guessing no, so people who work dogs and already insure them will be forced to pay twice. When will this idiotic government learn that these blanket measures don't work? It hasn't kept thugs from carrying knives, criminals guns, and irresponsible people using banned breeds as status symbols. f*****g idiots to a man... Edited March 9, 2010 by maltenby Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MuttleMcTuttle 21 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Don't most people have home & contents insurance? Doesn't the working dog insurance include some sort of public liability? I don't insure my dogs individually but they are covered by the house contents & farm third party insurance. Does this mean that dog owners would need extra insurance as well? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
skellyb 8 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Whats the problem, your dog and YOU are responsible for its actions? Makes sense to insure your dogs, ANYONE'S dog could attack another, run into the road etc. If you have your dogs covered for health insurance most if not all policies give you 3rd party liability cover. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
artic 595 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I'm going to cause a row now, because I think that third party insurance would be a good thing for dog owners. How many times have we seen threads on here about 'my dog attacked by another dog', and who picks up the bill? Usually the responsible dog owner.... There is also the issue of damage to stock by irresponsible dog owners animals. If everyone was insured, then potentially less dogs would be shot because the owner of the stock would know that he could recover damages from the insurance companies. Third party insurance doesn't have to cost a lot, although I understand that some insurance companies may hike the prices of certain breeds. Will breeds die out as a result? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. It's like cars. Responsible drivers take out insurance. I think it is far too easy to obtain dogs, and there are plenty of examples of people getting dogs and not looking after them properly. Perhaps it may put a few of those less responsible dog keepers off buying and selling dogs like commodities. The law I'm waiting for is the one that makes cat owners responsible for the actions of their animals (like dog owners). Its a very good idea. Everyone is covered, however there will be many legal loops in the system! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stabba 10,745 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 The problem being... most folk just wouldnt be able to afford it.. fact... hence driving more and more breeds underground.... i for 1 will refuse to pay.. why the fcuk should i? my dogs are well cared for and well behaved... bring back the dog license i say... sit and spout all you want.. it aint going to work.. atb stabba 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 The problem being... most folk just wouldnt be able to afford it.. fact... hence driving more and more breeds underground.... i for 1 will refuse to pay.. why the fcuk should i? my dogs are well cared for and well behaved... bring back the dog license i say... sit and spout all you want.. it aint going to work.. atb stabba Exactly mate. I put time and effort into making sure my dogs behave the right way & keep them very strictly under control in public places. Why should I be forced to pay out because others can't/wont.. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
skellyb 8 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 If you can't afford a few quid to insure your dog/s then you shouldn't have them. Doesn't matter how well cared for or well behaved your dogs are, any dog can cause an accident, get in a fight or worse. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
artic 595 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 If you can't afford a few quid to insure your dog/s then you shouldn't have them. Doesn't matter how well cared for or well behaved your dogs are, any dog can cause an accident, get in a fight or worse. Praise the lord! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 If you can't afford a few quid to insure your dog/s then you shouldn't have them. Doesn't matter how well cared for or well behaved your dogs are, any dog can cause an accident, get in a fight or worse. Define 'a few quid' Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest busterdog Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 IMO its not whether you can or can't afford it it's about more stealth tax and back handed deals between this shite government and the RSPCA. Who gives them the right to decide on more and more tax, anyway you look at it its the working man getting shafted once more. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
artic 595 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 IMO its not whether you can or can't afford it it's about more stealth tax and back handed deals between this shite government and the RSPCA. Who gives them the right to decide on more and more tax, anyway you look at it its the working man getting shafted once more. Surely a working man/woman who owns a dog........ It's about having responsability. Maybe the people who own 50 dogs will feel the pinch! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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