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united we stand....................and you know what happens when we dont!

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The problem being... most folk just wouldnt be able to afford it.. fact... hence driving more and more breeds underground.... i for 1 will refuse to pay.. why the fcuk should i? my dogs are well cared

It is not about Dog's It is not about Insurance It is not about guns It is not about ferret's It is not about killing animal's     It is about control It is about tyranical propanda to tak

and they have been doing it slowly by stealth

If you can't afford a few quid to insure your dog/s then you shouldn't have them.

Doesn't matter how well cared for or well behaved your dogs are, any dog can cause an accident, get in a fight or worse.



Its no a matter of insuring them.Its about the government pissing allover us againdoh.gif

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It is not about Dog's

It is not about Insurance

It is not about guns

It is not about ferret's

It is not about killing animal's



It is about control

It is about tyranical propanda to take your will to fight from you.gunsmilie.gif

It is about controling the mass population.big_boss.gif

It is about convicing you by making these "laws" that you have no god given right's boxing.gif



They want all of your rights/will to fight. They will have their way if you let them! icon_eek.gif






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Bloody hell fellas the government has only started a consultation on the dangerous dogs act with the election round the corner it is just spin.

This shite will no more affect us than the ban on hunting :thumbs:

i personally think you are wrong on this one mate.. why? because it involves money.. and lots of it for this money grabbing government.. atb stabba


you could be right fella it will all depend on who and if we pay for insurance. funny thing is though I have 6 chocolate cocker spaniels and they are all bitches and all share the same name so which one do I insure.

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