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united we stand....................and you know what happens when we dont!

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. :wallbash:

what dogs do you own and how long have you kept dogs

FYI and not that its got feck all to do with you, if you had read the posts above, I own three, 2 lurchers and one patti and have had dogs of various breeds all my life (I'm 51).

Dogs of all breeds can and will attack, rarely without some kind of provocation but sometimes who knows why, even so called soft dogs like labradors (the french woman who had the first face transplant had her face ripped off by a lab).

Can anyone actually come up with a better idea that would not be more draconian.

For the sake of a few quid (and lets face it thats all it will be) you will come up with every excuse under the sun, its a stealth tax, its a way to ban dogs, they are are changing our way of life, I can't afford it blah bla blah

Your dogs, show some responsibility.

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The problem being... most folk just wouldnt be able to afford it.. fact... hence driving more and more breeds underground.... i for 1 will refuse to pay.. why the fcuk should i? my dogs are well cared

It is not about Dog's It is not about Insurance It is not about guns It is not about ferret's It is not about killing animal's     It is about control It is about tyranical propanda to tak

and they have been doing it slowly by stealth

Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. :wallbash:

what dogs do you own and how long have you kept dogs

FYI and not that its got feck all to do with you, if you had read the posts above, I own three, 2 lurchers and one patti and have had dogs of various breeds all my life (I'm 51).

Dogs of all breeds can and will attack, rarely without some kind of provocation but sometimes who knows why, even so called soft dogs like labradors (the french woman who had the first face transplant had her face ripped off by a lab).

Can anyone actually come up with a better idea that would not be more draconian.

For the sake of a few quid (and lets face it thats all it will be) you will come up with every excuse under the sun, its a stealth tax, its a way to ban dogs, they are are changing our way of life, I can't afford it blah bla blah

Your dogs, show some responsibility.



Yes, but insuring dogs won't make the irresponsible dog owners any more responsible; there are plenty of irresponsible drivers who have car insurance and they are just as f*****g senseless on the road as if they had no insurance. All this will do is punish the innocent, as usual.

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It might only be a 'couple of quid', but that's not the point. :no: People are sick to death of being tied up in red tape and having the government interfere in their lives. They're dreaming up all sorts of schemes behind the scenes, from measures such as this, ID cards, needing a licence to fish in the sea, etc.


I really can't see how it would be workable in any case, how many dog owners are there in the UK?

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I'm guessing that the reason for the requirement to microchip is so that the insurance requirement can be enforced.


Imagine if every dog in the country could be traced to it's rightful owner? How would all the dog thieves manage then?


As for the insurance itself; if everyone had to have it, the competition would be fierce. I'm guessing that people are thinking that the prices would be similar to those charged for veterinary care; which is not the case. I can't see it costing more that £25-£30 for third party liability insurance, and I'm sorry, but if you can't afford that, then you can't afford to keep a dog.


The advantage of having liability insurance is that if your dog causes damage (to persons or property) then the victim would be able to claim against that insurance.


Just stop for a minute and think about what you would do if your child was attacked by a dog? What would the chances be of getting compensation for that without insurance? Very low at the moment.


As a general rule I'm against legislation which curtails freedoms of any sort; but in this case, I'm afraid I'm in favour, purely because it will make dog theft less likely, and weed out some of the idiots that trade in dogs or just treat them as possessions.


A couple of years ago, my labs went on 'holiday' to stay with my parents. Unbeknown to me, the dear old chocolate fella escaped from their garden, and 'retrieved' a tame duck off a neighbours pond. The duck was taken to the vets by it's owner, and destroyed. I didn't have to pay anything, but as a responsible dog owner, I picked up the bill (£160). Third party insurance would have covered that.


A friends dog escaped from it's pen, and ran across a busy trunk road. A youngish lad on a moped swerved to avoid the dog and fell off his bike. Luckily a serious accident was avoided, but if he hadn't been that lucky, what would have happened? He may have been prosecuted, and the damages could have bankrupted him.


Even the most responsible dog owners cannot prevent all accidents. Insurance is just a way of providing some security in case the worst happens.

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That's all well and good Matt, but where will it all end? Each child's football/Frisbee to be insured in case it smashes a greenhouse window or runs into a road and causes an accident? Everyone with a garden wall needing insurance in case someone falls off it?


Ok, maybe a bit extreme but accidents happen, it's part of life, you can't cover every single aspect of life with an insurance policy. I guess it's a sign of the times, the blame & claim culture.

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What a load of shite.. Its just another way to pry into your personal life and see what you have /havent got..... and a way for this grabbin government to claw more money off the unsuspecting public...i cant smoke where i want.. i cant drink coz theres hardly any woking mans clubs left.. im not allowed to hunt foxes.. im stuck to walkin coz the price of petrol is so high... but hang on.. ill just go out and insure me dogs just because they might defend themselves against some muppet with an untrained staffy who cant look after himself never mind a friggin dog.. atb stabba

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red vans with detector cameras on top patrolling

the streets any one with an unchipped dog will

be arrested there dog taken to a compound

and every day its there a charge will be

enforced, bailiffs will take goods to the value

etc, :clapper: but rape, murder , torcher

rob , steal expense's, etc etc the lab government

will look after you :whistling:

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. wallbash.gif

what dogs do you own and how long have you kept dogs

FYI and not that its got feck all to do with you, if you had read the posts above, I own three, 2 lurchers and one patti and have had dogs of various breeds all my life (I'm 51).

Dogs of all breeds can and will attack, rarely without some kind of provocation but sometimes who knows why, even so called soft dogs like labradors (the french woman who had the first face transplant had her face ripped off by a lab).

Can anyone actually come up with a better idea that would not be more draconian.

For the sake of a few quid (and lets face it thats all it will be) you will come up with every excuse under the sun, its a stealth tax, its a way to ban dogs, they are are changing our way of life, I can't afford it blah bla blah

Your dogs, show some responsibility.

O.K mister churchill


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It is not about Dog's

It is not about Insurance

It is not about guns

It is not about ferret's

It is not about killing animal's



It is about control

It is about tyranical propanda to take your will to fight from you.gunsmilie.gif

It is about controling the mass population.big_boss.gif

It is about convicing you by making these "laws" that you have no god given right's boxing.gif



They want all of your rights/will to fight. They will have their way if you let them! icon_eek.gif





You speak ALOT of sense, it is ALL about control!

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. wallbash.gif

what dogs do you own and how long have you kept dogs

FYI and not that its got feck all to do with you, if you had read the posts above, I own three, 2 lurchers and one patti and have had dogs of various breeds all my life (I'm 51).

Dogs of all breeds can and will attack, rarely without some kind of provocation but sometimes who knows why, even so called soft dogs like labradors (the french woman who had the first face transplant had her face ripped off by a lab).

Can anyone actually come up with a better idea that would not be more draconian.

For the sake of a few quid (and lets face it thats all it will be) you will come up with every excuse under the sun, its a stealth tax, its a way to ban dogs, they are are changing our way of life, I can't afford it blah bla blah

Your dogs, show some responsibility.

O.K mister churchill


Thanks, scrounger, managed to find a job yet?

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The thing is it won't be a small sum, it will be dependant on breed, bull breeds will be alot more.....................fine EXCEPT it will be the responsible dog owners who will be targeted, the people with happy, loving family staffies, the cocks who use them as a status symbol won't give a damn about insurance, rather than making people pay why don't they somehow STOP these idiots owning dogs in the 1st place.....................................because it is all about making £££

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. wallbash.gif

what dogs do you own and how long have you kept dogs

FYI and not that its got feck all to do with you, if you had read the posts above, I own three, 2 lurchers and one patti and have had dogs of various breeds all my life (I'm 51).

Dogs of all breeds can and will attack, rarely without some kind of provocation but sometimes who knows why, even so called soft dogs like labradors (the french woman who had the first face transplant had her face ripped off by a lab).

Can anyone actually come up with a better idea that would not be more draconian.

For the sake of a few quid (and lets face it thats all it will be) you will come up with every excuse under the sun, its a stealth tax, its a way to ban dogs, they are are changing our way of life, I can't afford it blah bla blah

Your dogs, show some responsibility.

O.K mister churchill


Thanks, scrounger, managed to find a job yet?

No managed to get on the sick and a bit of a fiddle job feck working legitboogie.gif

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The thing is it won't be a small sum, it will be dependant on breed, bull breeds will be alot more.....................fine EXCEPT it will be the responsible dog owners who will be targeted, the people with happy, loving family staffies, the cocks who use them as a status symbol won't give a damn about insurance, rather than making people pay why don't they somehow STOP these idiots owning dogs in the 1st place.....................................because it is all about making £££

As has already been said if you already have your dog/s insured and microchipped then nothing will change.

If you haven't then use some sense and get it done.

Every week there is some poor sod posting cos their dog has gone missing or they cannot afford to have their dog treated and it ends up being pts. :wallbash:

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