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united we stand....................and you know what happens when we dont!

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i dont know how it would work because you cant insure a racing greyhound also the owners its being brought out for will just abandon the dog if they got caught and say its nothing to do with them and not their dog because half of them dont even insure their cars as it is . also if your out of work is it somethong else you could claim for thereby putting more financial help on the goverment ime 56 never insured a dog in my life and dont intend to start now the only time ive had trouble over a dog was one one of my greyhounds bit a neighbours staffie that was off the lead and ran at my greyhound who by the way was on the lead. i ran my neighbour and his staff to my vet and paid the bill but like most people ime a resposible dog owner and dont need this goverment telling me the rights and wrongs about dog ownership there rant over lol.

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The problem being... most folk just wouldnt be able to afford it.. fact... hence driving more and more breeds underground.... i for 1 will refuse to pay.. why the fcuk should i? my dogs are well cared

It is not about Dog's It is not about Insurance It is not about guns It is not about ferret's It is not about killing animal's     It is about control It is about tyranical propanda to tak

and they have been doing it slowly by stealth

It is not about Dog's

It is not about Insurance

It is not about guns

It is not about ferret's

It is not about killing animal's



It is about control

It is about tyranical propanda to take your will to fight from you.:gunsmilie:

It is about controling the mass population.:big_boss:

It is about convicing you by making these "laws" that you have no god given right's :boxing:



They want all of your rights/will to fight. They will have their way if you let them! :icon_eek:



:notworthy::notworthy: and they have been doing it slowly by stealth
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Anyone look on kennel club breed sites? Someone somewhere will already have started an organised campaign against this.


People like Artic are the enemy, ie: anyone who thinks this is a good idea.

Edited by GD Waz
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Wats people worrying about the pet food industrie wont allow it to happenthumbs.gif


Pet food! They will just feed it to all the limp d**K wankers who cow tow to the liberal take over. We all will be living on government farms & eating pet food before long if we don't find a way to stop it.


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Guest busterdog

Wats people worrying about the pet food industrie wont allow it to happenthumbs.gif


Pet food! They will just feed it to all the limp d**K wankers who cow tow to the liberal take over. We all will be living on government farms & eating pet food before long if we don't find a way to stop it.




I often think about spreading my wings and pissin off to the states, i didn't think it was that bad out there aswell. censored.gif

I suppose they're all the same all of them piss in the same pot.

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. :wallbash:


No its not amazing; when was the last time you heard of a lurcher, gundog or working terrier mauling a child?

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. :wallbash:


No its not amazing; when was the last time you heard of a lurcher, gundog or working terrier mauling a child?

The dog expert on radio 5 this morning said and i quote

" terriers are all biters you only have to give one a squeaky

toy they will kill the squeak and wont bring it back",he

said do sqeaky toys come under the ban,

Edited by gonetoearth
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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. wallbash.gif


No its not amazing; when was the last time you heard of a lurcher, gundog or working terrier mauling a child?

clapper.gifclapper.gif Exactly it will just be another law to be ignored like the hunting ban FEKUMcensored.gifwallbash.gif

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. :wallbash:

what dogs do you own and how long have you kept dogs , not a hard qestion Edited by gonetoearth
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How many chavs on london and inner city estates do you think will insure their dogs.... absoloutley none im willin to bet....So why the fcuk should i insure mine and microchip them when i/they have never been a minutes bit of trouble??This is just another case of bereaucracy gone mad..FCUK OFF OUT OF IT LABOUR atb stabba

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Amazing isn't it, the number of people complaining about this and most are the same people who shoot there mouths/keyboards off when a kiddie gets mauled to death by a dog. wallbash.gif



That's a very blinkered view, and one that the government will hope that Joe non dog owning public will see it from because that's how it works divide and conquer, non hunter against hunter, smoker against smoker etc.

The majority of dog owners are responsible people and recognise there is a problem with total nuggets owning dogs for all the wrong reasons but this is typical knee jerk reaction from a government who have proven time and again they are hopeless dealing with situations like these, so they use a sledgehammer to crack a nut and yet again the decent law abiding citizen is to be penalized because they are incapable of dealing with the actual offenders/problem.


Slightly off topic they were talking of means testing people to see if they were suitable dog owners just last week, am I alone in thinking the country would be a better place and we might not have all these halfwits with dogs if they means tested before you were allowed to be a parent.

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