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Hera, one of our best patts ever was lost on sunday because of a silly hunter. she was shot after she bolt out 2 female foxes and one dog fox, she was still down in earth fighting, when she was commig out for sme fresh air and check what was shot she receive a shot from a shot gun by this f............. idiot. sorry for this words but i can t anyother words. she was 5 y old, great producer and superb worker.

Edited by matulkoh
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Sorry for your loss mate,she was one fine bitch.I can sort of understand an inexperienced gun mistaking a border or a lakeland for a fox but a black dog....no excuse you should take the gun from him and smash it over his head.Can i ask what did you do? a.t.b.Burrowman.

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What a fine looking terrier,from now on everyone should be carefull who is in control of the GUN'S to many TERRIER'S getting killed or injured by FFUCKING BLIND JOKER'S :hunter::hunter::hunter:

R.I.P the TERRIER :good:

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sorry to here adout this mate they were a post about this a few month,s a go some c##t shoot a dog looks like the c##t that shoot your dog did not read it so lads its like this if your out hunting and you have a gun do not get triger happy and shoot someones dog buy the way i hope you broke the gun over his head wat did you do mate

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Hera, one of our best patts ever was lost on sunday because of a silly hunter. she was shot after she bolt out 2 female foxes and one dog fox, she was still down in earth fighting, when she was commig out for sme fresh air and check what was shot she receive a shot from a shot gun by this f............. idiot. sorry for this words but i can t anyother words. she was 5 y old, great producer and superb worker.


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this is why i think guns have no place around dogs out working EVER there is always some dumb c**t who gets to excited and just shoots without thinking. sorry bout your bitch tho lad

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a real bummer bud,its the worst that can happen imo.

when a dog passes through work its hard,through "senselessness" is gutting( i've had a close call with a RED bitch,needless to say that gun never came out again!)


i hope you can get close to filling the gap in your team bud,did she have a litter you could fall back on?

i wish you all the best.



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