waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) I can't believe the advice being given to an obvious novice by so called terrierman,4 month's of age is far too young to try and enter a terrier that still has its baby teeth,wait till the dog has its proper teeth fully down and can give a decent bite back,you'll only put the dog on a sickener and f*ck it up,it is cruel to enter a dog so young,at least wait 3 months or so,it is still a baby,yis,wirralman dogs off the right lines will easily kill a rat at 4 months i used to keep any litter of pups till 12 weeks old and would then try them on a rat and any that killed them without help id keep the others id give to mates and all the dogs i kept made the best dogs. might be just coincidence but its true. dont take this the wrong way but NO true terrierman refers to pups as babys its just not done as they are not babys and if treated like one will be ruined. im not saying he should expect it to kill the rats or not i dont no him or the dog but myself would expect a 4 month old to at least have a good go on one and to have had a fair few more by 7 months. im not saying it will be a top class ratter straight away and i know some dogs come good late but i find that the earlier you can get them out doing something the better they are learning all the time after all in any dog the 1st year is the most important. one of the best bitches ive ever dug to killed a rat under a pallet at 10 weeks old on her own accord i didnt even no it was there id only brought her out the kennel to show someone her as i thought she was to small and was going to sell her when all of sudden shes straight under the pallet and all over the rat. thank god i kept her rip old girl. charliehunter charlie 100,the lad came on looking for advice and your just not helping him with your stupid remarks,I called it a baby because thats exactly what it is,if your daft enough to act cruelly that's on your own head, but when giving advice to an obvious beginner I alway's err on the side of caution,this is an open forum that is monitored by anti's and the like,so,when giving advice try to be a little sensible as you don't impress me with your obvious machismo attitude,you are everything that is wrong with the terrier scene now,you have no care for our brave tykes that put their heads in places that you or I would never dare to do,before you mouth off about me not being a true terrierman you would need to know a bit about me,if you did make those sort of comments to my face you would not be standing for long,I have dug to dogs most of my 52yrs and owned a broad spectrum of dog's,from hard sorts to yapper's and have never got along well with people like yourself,I can only imagine the state of your kennel when there are rats running around outside it,god help the dogs you keep,you've probably killed more dogs than rats,clean your act up,respect your dogs and grow up a bit ,we're supposed to show the younger kids on here the right way,promote our way of life not give anti's the ammo to condemn us with,wirralman are you right in the head??? ive not acted macho at all your the one saying i wouldnt be standing long if i said it to your face, which i would do gladly. im older than you fella and can tell you dont no alot about terriers in truth but thats ok ill teach you if your willing to listen I NO FOR A FACT TERRIERS OF THE RIGHT TYPE WILL KILL RATS AT 4 MONTHS OLD IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES AND YOU CANT ARGUE WITH THAT. on to my kennels... when i had lots of terriers 30 years ago i rented an old pig shed off a good farmer mate of mine who is sadly no longer with us. it was all fully drained,wind/water proof and a good sized bed and run for each dog. half an hour with the hose pipe and the kennels where spotless no dirt or old food would be left lying around so rats would not interested in going in there. the other side of the yard was where the corn shed was and the rat was outside this under a pallet when someone came to look at the little bitch. ive never lost any dog due to not being looked after properly i couldnt do that as dogs are my life and them terriers in particular were making me extra money so they were very well looked after so get your facts right. like i said these are hard working dogs not babys as you call them and not being funny but ratting is legal so any antis reading wont find much will they??? explain what you mean or are to thick to write and can only express your thoughts with help from a smiley face??? and waidman you obviously no it all so ill leave you alone i really cant be bothered to argue with you as your points are bullshit i'm asking for the results of this experiment of yours? surely then you can prove your point that this is the right way to do the job?you can pm me if you like. Edited March 9, 2010 by waidmann Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 no doubt your terriers were born game and "better" than all of the terriers i've ever owned and worked,no problem with that at all. we do have a difference of oppinion here bud, i would never consider entering a PUP of 12 weeks(just about weened if as you say you kept the litter to test for keepers). your last words made sense " the more you have to hold them back the better", sadly in the wrong context. out of this infamous litter how many did you keep? and how many dogs which did not" make the grade" were passed on?(this was the question i meant to be answeared). how many of those pups went on to be decent working dogs when in sensible hands? waidmann yes thats right just about WEENED at 12 weeks!! that shows what you no fella. no need to pm ive got to go out now for a bit but when im back ill prove my point to you Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 no doubt your terriers were born game and "better" than all of the terriers i've ever owned and worked,no problem with that at all. we do have a difference of oppinion here bud, i would never consider entering a PUP of 12 weeks(just about weened if as you say you kept the litter to test for keepers). your last words made sense " the more you have to hold them back the better", sadly in the wrong context. out of this infamous litter how many did you keep? and how many dogs which did not" make the grade" were passed on?(this was the question i meant to be answeared). how many of those pups went on to be decent working dogs when in sensible hands? waidmann yes thats right just about WEENED at 12 weeks!! that shows what you no fella. no need to pm ive got to go out now for a bit but when im back ill prove my point to you yes bud, when i've left a litter with the mother they would not let them at the teets after about ten weeks( teeth getting too prominent). i expect your pups ate their mother by then? Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,268 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 FFS Boys wake up everyone has different ideas of how to do things accept it and stop bitching. The lad wants advice say ya piece and give the fishwife's bit a rest eh Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 FFS Boys wake up everyone has different ideas of how to do things accept it and stop bitching. The lad wants advice say ya piece and give the fishwife's bit a rest eh fair comment Quote Link to post
willum 89 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 i have never let any of my terreirs at rats before the age of 6 to 7 months when adult teeth are through but i have tacken them to watch and have a run about at the end to get them socialised with the pack i cant see no harm in that as regards to live catching a rat and letting it go i think you will find that its againts the law to cage an animal and release it for dogs. but i may stand corrected ? dont expect miracles from such a young dog as said before ive seen many a good terrier ruined from a rat with a attitude so to speak i have known of dogs to face everything bar rats as they were entered to young. just be patiant enjoy your day take it as a learning curb for you and your little tyke have fun atb willum. Quote Link to post
paulk73 151 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 took my terrier at 6 months for a look. wasnt interested just watchedthe other dog. left it a month took him back on his own, and he was bang on em. now he loves it no stoping him. Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 no doubt your terriers were born game and "better" than all of the terriers i've ever owned and worked,no problem with that at all. we do have a difference of oppinion here bud, i would never consider entering a PUP of 12 weeks(just about weened if as you say you kept the litter to test for keepers). your last words made sense " the more you have to hold them back the better", sadly in the wrong context. out of this infamous litter how many did you keep? and how many dogs which did not" make the grade" were passed on?(this was the question i meant to be answeared). how many of those pups went on to be decent working dogs when in sensible hands? waidmann yes thats right just about WEENED at 12 weeks!! that shows what you no fella. no need to pm ive got to go out now for a bit but when im back ill prove my point to you yes bud, when i've left a litter with the mother they would not let them at the teets after about ten weeks( teeth getting too prominent). i expect your pups ate their mother by then? never ate there mother at all but they sure as hell wasnt on the teets still at that age. i normally let the bitch decide when she is ready to leave them and its always about 6 weeks old then for the next 6 weeks i watch them everyday getting to no individual characters then ill try them on a rat any that kill or have a good go ill keep the rest give to mates. its worked on 4 litters and everyone that i kept made the best dogs. the other pups still worked well but were not the best thats why i like to find out at 12 weeks to save alot of time and effort on something that is only going to be sub standard. this dog is bruce out the first litter i ever bred. there was 2 dogs and 2 bitches in the litter and bruce killed his first rat at 12 weeks old while the rest just f****d about or didnt no what to do. now all the dogs worked BUT bruce was by far the best dog out this litter finding quarry when others failed or just quit is it just a coincidence??? i doubt it very much if you want the best you got to work with the best and rats at 12-14 weeks old just sorts the wheat from the chaff alot quicker than any other way. Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 i'm glad that works for you bud but not my idea of good husbandry at all. imo some will start later than others and still make excellant dogs and a pup of 12 weeks is still very fragile in every sense of the word. i guess we will have to agree to differ mate. all the best with the dogs. do you have any to be briught on this year? waidmann Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 charliehunter 100 just come back in to read your stupid reply,nobody is saying that a game little tyke of 4months can't kill a rat,just that its poor advice to give an up and coming youngster wanting to know the best way forward,as I said before what you do to your dogs is your own worry,as regards letting twelve week old pups among rats is daft,most vets are only giving them their second jab then and so are not really protected from leptospirosis,in a straw poll among terriermen you would be in a minority doing such daft things,I like to think my sons will still be able to go out doing dogwork long after I am gone, but with fools like yourself dirtying the name of good terriermen up and down the country with ancient dinosaur way's they will struggle,you may be older than me but have not progressed with the year's my friend,being cruel is not manly in any shape or form,dave harcombe, a well respected man that fully tested his dogs could never abide cruellty and never knowingly overmatched a young dog,the list is endless of decent respected terriermen that all believe in the proper entering of a young terrier,never overmatching it for the fear of ruining a good dog,yis,wirralman Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 took my terrier at 6 months for a look. wasnt interested just watchedthe other dog. left it a month took him back on his own, and he was bang on em. now he loves it no stoping him. paul thats the kind of advice I would of expected to see posted,well done mate,wirralman Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 charliehunter 100 just come back in to read your stupid reply,nobody is saying that a game little tyke of 4months can't kill a rat,just that its poor advice to give an up and coming youngster wanting to know the best way forward,as I said before what you do to your dogs is your own worry,as regards letting twelve week old pups among rats is daft,most vets are only giving them their second jab then and so are not really protected from leptospirosis,in a straw poll among terriermen you would be in a minority doing such daft things,I like to think my sons will still be able to go out doing dogwork long after I am gone, but with fools like yourself dirtying the name of good terriermen up and down the country with ancient dinosaur way's they will struggle,you may be older than me but have not progressed with the year's my friend,being cruel is not manly in any shape or form,dave harcombe, a well respected man that fully tested his dogs could never abide cruellty and never knowingly overmatched a young dog,the list is endless of decent respected terriermen that all believe in the proper entering of a young terrier,never overmatching it for the fear of ruining a good dog,yis,wirralman how is it poor advice??? maybe the quality of your stock is not as good as what im used to here??? i jab pups myself no need for a vet to do it its simple and they are done at 5-6 weeks so plenty of time to gain immunity by 12 wks. i never said let it among rats at 12weeks tho did i??? just said id give all the litter one each the ones who kill without help are the ones id keep. i know dai pretty well and he has never questioned my method when ive spoke to him about it so stop talking rubbish how have i been cruel??? i never forced a dog to do it just gave them the opportunity on a rat and from there its up to them if they do it or not. you say i dirty the names of good terriermen but i ask how??? by testing a pup early that is bred for measured aggression?? doing my best to make sure ive picked the right dog out the litter for work??? breeding only off the best dogs and giving surplus away to friends?? as ive said before its no good being soft with terriers look at how the bedlingtons and borders have gone down hill compared to 25-30 years ago Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Not wishing to jump on the bandwagon so to speak but whats the name of that jab you use at 5-6 weeks? .Im assuming that being the one jab it covers all ailments as the vet doses do not ,hense the re-dose at 12 weeks . At 5-6 weeks, im sure your aware, the pup is still covered by the bitches colostrum immunity and this therefore works agaist the jab you are giving so young . No doubt whatsoever that pups will kill at 4 months,you have to seperate some earlier than this to stop them killing each other .To state that good dogs are found by your methods is probably true but to also state that second rate digging dogs are found out by the same method is a bit of a guess on your part .I dont let pups see much before they are 7-8 months mainly because pups do my head in at the best of times and id rather wait until a bit of maturity has at least allowed them to take punishment as well as give it .Jealous, older dogs are also apt to pick on a pup that has little or no awareness of its capabilities.Whatever the methods ,keep it real and except nothing but the best . Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Not wishing to jump on the bandwagon so to speak but whats the name of that jab you use at 5-6 weeks? .Im assuming that being the one jab it covers all ailments as the vet doses do not ,hense the re-dose at 12 weeks . At 5-6 weeks, im sure your aware, the pup is still covered by the bitches colostrum immunity and this therefore works agaist the jab you are giving so young . No doubt whatsoever that pups will kill at 4 months,you have to seperate some earlier than this to stop them killing each other .To state that good dogs are found by your methods is probably true but to also state that second rate digging dogs are found out by the same method is a bit of a guess on your part .I dont let pups see much before they are 7-8 months mainly because pups do my head in at the best of times and id rather wait until a bit of maturity has at least allowed them to take punishment as well as give it .Jealous, older dogs are also apt to pick on a pup that has little or no awareness of its capabilities.Whatever the methods ,keep it real and except nothing but the best . yes fella your right it is the all in one "dhlpp" and i wean mine at around 5-6 weeks so they dont get any milk off the bitch after this so i jab them then. good points about pups trying to kill each other so young that is so true!! ive never said my way is the best way but it works for me and ill continue to do it that way should i ever breed again Quote Link to post
sounder79 80 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 charlie hunter,if your pups kill rats at 4 months and thats the way you try em thats ok. but this lad is only starting out so it might be safer for him to wait a bit more and give his dog the best chance he can. Quote Link to post
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