charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) i don't believe people would even consider letting a 12 week old pup on rats they can't even bloody chew a bone properly at that age. any decebt rat will bite the shit out of the pup possibly causing serious damage(nose,eyes,ears).this will either make or break the terrier(imho more likely to break them,the first thing a pup will do is drop on the quarry or paw it,and get his reward no doubt,then running to the next corner yelping for mommy). other than that the vaccinations a still VERY fresh. the act of dropping live caught rats should be looked up in the pinned section i think a pup can go along and see whats going on but untill he has a full set of teeth and a start of phsical condition he should stay on the lead no matter how keen he is to "help out". this will only make him "keener" in the long run. DON'T SET THE PUP UP TO FAIL. waidmann obviously you have no experience of terriers from a good working line then. trust me on this one because i no its true ive seen it with my own eyes that GOOD terriers can and will kill rats at that age and if it does go in the corner looking for mommy my money is on that it wont be as good as one that does kill it. to many softies are on the terrier scene now and in my eyes its showing in some types of terriers i used to love bedlingtons but it truth most are not worth a wank now as people have pussyfooted around and bred for looks and f****d them up. in my eyes if a terrier can not kill rats or squirrels by 6 months old its not worth running on. rats are nothing to a terrier this age. just think these dogs are bred to battle, to keep going when many humans would pack in and if they can leave a rat at 6 months whats to say they wont leave a fox at 13-14 months? Edited March 9, 2010 by charliehunter100 Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 charlie hunter: there is a hell of a difference between 12 weeks and six months(at this age a terrier is normally fully teethed for a start). a terrier will need to develope both mentally and bodily to a certain extent before being entered on any quarry.that is not the case at 3 months(12 weeks) of age,nowhere near. i have had some experiance of terriers in my time but would not consider myself an expert by any means.i have bred and entered prt,teckel,jagd and fox terriers to rat,fox,badger,raccoon,pigs and deer.a bloody beginner would not entertain the idea of entering a pup at 12 weeks. i hope you have had some type of typing error in the original post??? i would expect you did not keep many of your pups and if they were not "good enough" for your needs why would you give them to your mates?? waidmann Quote Link to post
pitmanuk 2 Posted March 9, 2010 Author Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Well he tries to catch anything that moves in a field so I'm guessing he'll be ok. There's only one way to find out, I want him working so Im thinking the younger he gets exposed to it the better he will be. I just wanna make sure he's interested even if he doesn't catch anything. Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 i would take the pup to watch mate (if its jabbed up properly). lt it see dead rats and what the grown terriers are doing he will get wound up and thats a good thing for next time. i can't stress too much the damage that can be done to "PUPPY" by pushing him in at the deep end.he may be eager but in no way ready for the job. its up to you mate its your dog. atb waidmann Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I can't believe the advice being given to an obvious novice by so called terrierman,4 month's of age is far too young to try and enter a terrier that still has its baby teeth,wait till the dog has its proper teeth fully down and can give a decent bite back,you'll only put the dog on a sickener and f*ck it up,it is cruel to enter a dog so young,at least wait 3 months or so,it is still a baby,yis,wirralman dogs off the right lines will easily kill a rat at 4 months i used to keep any litter of pups till 12 weeks old and would then try them on a rat and any that killed them without help id keep the others id give to mates and all the dogs i kept made the best dogs. might be just coincidence but its true. dont take this the wrong way but NO true terrierman refers to pups as babys its just not done as they are not babys and if treated like one will be ruined. im not saying he should expect it to kill the rats or not i dont no him or the dog but myself would expect a 4 month old to at least have a good go on one and to have had a fair few more by 7 months. im not saying it will be a top class ratter straight away and i know some dogs come good late but i find that the earlier you can get them out doing something the better they are learning all the time after all in any dog the 1st year is the most important. one of the best bitches ive ever dug to killed a rat under a pallet at 10 weeks old on her own accord i didnt even no it was there id only brought her out the kennel to show someone her as i thought she was to small and was going to sell her when all of sudden shes straight under the pallet and all over the rat. thank god i kept her rip old girl. charliehunter charlie 100,the lad came on looking for advice and your just not helping him with your stupid remarks,I called it a baby because thats exactly what it is,if your daft enough to act cruelly that's on your own head, but when giving advice to an obvious beginner I alway's err on the side of caution,this is an open forum that is monitored by anti's and the like,so,when giving advice try to be a little sensible as you don't impress me with your obvious machismo attitude,you are everything that is wrong with the terrier scene now,you have no care for our brave tykes that put their heads in places that you or I would never dare to do,before you mouth off about me not being a true terrierman you would need to know a bit about me,if you did make those sort of comments to my face you would not be standing for long,I have dug to dogs most of my 52yrs and owned a broad spectrum of dog's,from hard sorts to yapper's and have never got along well with people like yourself,I can only imagine the state of your kennel when there are rats running around outside it,god help the dogs you keep,you've probably killed more dogs than rats,clean your act up,respect your dogs and grow up a bit ,we're supposed to show the younger kids on here the right way,promote our way of life not give anti's the ammo to condemn us with,wirralman Quote Link to post
fireman 11,003 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 well said WC to many folks want to rush there tykes into things these days . Quote Link to post
oohmydog 82 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Well he tries to catch anything that moves in a field so I'm guessing he'll be ok. There's only one way to find out, I want him working so Im thinking the younger he gets exposed to it the better he will be. I just wanna make sure he's interested even if he doesn't catch anything. If he gets to close to a full grown pissed of rat ,there's every chance he will shy of them for good .Let him be a pup jack russells usually mature earlier than other breeds give him another 5 months just watching from a distance Quote Link to post
<Hoppy> 0 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I have a 6 month old JRT which is to be used for ratting.Going to follow the advice given by the terriermen who give a damn about their dogs.You should too Pitmanuk.ATB Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,268 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 Patience is a virtue if it's jabbed take it along but keep it on a lead let it worry rats that the more experienced terriers have had if it wants too that is Don't enter it proper until it has the physical and mental condition to take a bite only you will know when this is. Seeing the other terriers flying around is only a good thing for a pup it will psyche it up for when it is truley ready. Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I can't believe the advice being given to an obvious novice by so called terrierman,4 month's of age is far too young to try and enter a terrier that still has its baby teeth,wait till the dog has its proper teeth fully down and can give a decent bite back,you'll only put the dog on a sickener and f*ck it up,it is cruel to enter a dog so young,at least wait 3 months or so,it is still a baby,yis,wirralman dogs off the right lines will easily kill a rat at 4 months i used to keep any litter of pups till 12 weeks old and would then try them on a rat and any that killed them without help id keep the others id give to mates and all the dogs i kept made the best dogs. might be just coincidence but its true. dont take this the wrong way but NO true terrierman refers to pups as babys its just not done as they are not babys and if treated like one will be ruined. im not saying he should expect it to kill the rats or not i dont no him or the dog but myself would expect a 4 month old to at least have a good go on one and to have had a fair few more by 7 months. im not saying it will be a top class ratter straight away and i know some dogs come good late but i find that the earlier you can get them out doing something the better they are learning all the time after all in any dog the 1st year is the most important. one of the best bitches ive ever dug to killed a rat under a pallet at 10 weeks old on her own accord i didnt even no it was there id only brought her out the kennel to show someone her as i thought she was to small and was going to sell her when all of sudden shes straight under the pallet and all over the rat. thank god i kept her rip old girl. charliehunter charlie 100,the lad came on looking for advice and your just not helping him with your stupid remarks,I called it a baby because thats exactly what it is,if your daft enough to act cruelly that's on your own head, but when giving advice to an obvious beginner I alway's err on the side of caution,this is an open forum that is monitored by anti's and the like,so,when giving advice try to be a little sensible as you don't impress me with your obvious machismo attitude,you are everything that is wrong with the terrier scene now,you have no care for our brave tykes that put their heads in places that you or I would never dare to do,before you mouth off about me not being a true terrierman you would need to know a bit about me,if you did make those sort of comments to my face you would not be standing for long,I have dug to dogs most of my 52yrs and owned a broad spectrum of dog's,from hard sorts to yapper's and have never got along well with people like yourself,I can only imagine the state of your kennel when there are rats running around outside it,god help the dogs you keep,you've probably killed more dogs than rats,clean your act up,respect your dogs and grow up a bit ,we're supposed to show the younger kids on here the right way,promote our way of life not give anti's the ammo to condemn us with,wirralman are you right in the head??? ive not acted macho at all your the one saying i wouldnt be standing long if i said it to your face, which i would do gladly. im older than you fella and can tell you dont no alot about terriers in truth but thats ok ill teach you if your willing to listen I NO FOR A FACT TERRIERS OF THE RIGHT TYPE WILL KILL RATS AT 4 MONTHS OLD IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES AND YOU CANT ARGUE WITH THAT. on to my kennels... when i had lots of terriers 30 years ago i rented an old pig shed off a good farmer mate of mine who is sadly no longer with us. it was all fully drained,wind/water proof and a good sized bed and run for each dog. half an hour with the hose pipe and the kennels where spotless no dirt or old food would be left lying around so rats would not interested in going in there. the other side of the yard was where the corn shed was and the rat was outside this under a pallet when someone came to look at the little bitch. ive never lost any dog due to not being looked after properly i couldnt do that as dogs are my life and them terriers in particular were making me extra money so they were very well looked after so get your facts right. like i said these are hard working dogs not babys as you call them and not being funny but ratting is legal so any antis reading wont find much will they??? Quote Link to post
oohmydog 82 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I can't believe the advice being given to an obvious novice by so called terrierman,4 month's of age is far too young to try and enter a terrier that still has its baby teeth,wait till the dog has its proper teeth fully down and can give a decent bite back,you'll only put the dog on a sickener and f*ck it up,it is cruel to enter a dog so young,at least wait 3 months or so,it is still a baby,yis,wirralman dogs off the right lines will easily kill a rat at 4 months i used to keep any litter of pups till 12 weeks old and would then try them on a rat and any that killed them without help id keep the others id give to mates and all the dogs i kept made the best dogs. might be just coincidence but its true. dont take this the wrong way but NO true terrierman refers to pups as babys its just not done as they are not babys and if treated like one will be ruined. im not saying he should expect it to kill the rats or not i dont no him or the dog but myself would expect a 4 month old to at least have a good go on one and to have had a fair few more by 7 months. im not saying it will be a top class ratter straight away and i know some dogs come good late but i find that the earlier you can get them out doing something the better they are learning all the time after all in any dog the 1st year is the most important. one of the best bitches ive ever dug to killed a rat under a pallet at 10 weeks old on her own accord i didnt even no it was there id only brought her out the kennel to show someone her as i thought she was to small and was going to sell her when all of sudden shes straight under the pallet and all over the rat. thank god i kept her rip old girl. charliehunter charlie 100,the lad came on looking for advice and your just not helping him with your stupid remarks,I called it a baby because thats exactly what it is,if your daft enough to act cruelly that's on your own head, but when giving advice to an obvious beginner I alway's err on the side of caution,this is an open forum that is monitored by anti's and the like,so,when giving advice try to be a little sensible as you don't impress me with your obvious machismo attitude,you are everything that is wrong with the terrier scene now,you have no care for our brave tykes that put their heads in places that you or I would never dare to do,before you mouth off about me not being a true terrierman you would need to know a bit about me,if you did make those sort of comments to my face you would not be standing for long,I have dug to dogs most of my 52yrs and owned a broad spectrum of dog's,from hard sorts to yapper's and have never got along well with people like yourself,I can only imagine the state of your kennel when there are rats running around outside it,god help the dogs you keep,you've probably killed more dogs than rats,clean your act up,respect your dogs and grow up a bit ,we're supposed to show the younger kids on here the right way,promote our way of life not give anti's the ammo to condemn us with,wirralman are you right in the head??? ive not acted macho at all your the one saying i wouldnt be standing long if i said it to your face, which i would do gladly. im older than you fella and can tell you dont no alot about terriers in truth but thats ok ill teach you if your willing to listen I NO FOR A FACT TERRIERS OF THE RIGHT TYPE WILL KILL RATS AT 4 MONTHS OLD IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES AND YOU CANT ARGUE WITH THAT. on to my kennels... when i had lots of terriers 30 years ago i rented an old pig shed off a good farmer mate of mine who is sadly no longer with us. it was all fully drained,wind/water proof and a good sized bed and run for each dog. half an hour with the hose pipe and the kennels where spotless no dirt or old food would be left lying around so rats would not interested in going in there. the other side of the yard was where the corn shed was and the rat was outside this under a pallet when someone came to look at the little bitch. ive never lost any dog due to not being looked after properly i couldnt do that as dogs are my life and them terriers in particular were making me extra money so they were very well looked after so get your facts right. like i said these are hard working dogs not babys as you call them and not being funny but ratting is legal so any antis reading wont find much will they??? Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 if you can't see the problem with sending a 4 month old terrier to rats then you can't be helped bud seeing it and doing it all the time are different things, so which is it then? you didn't answear the questions in my previous reply, why is that? waidmann Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 charlie hunter: there is a hell of a difference between 12 weeks and six months(at this age a terrier is normally fully teethed for a start). a terrier will need to develope both mentally and bodily to a certain extent before being entered on any quarry.that is not the case at 3 months(12 weeks) of age,nowhere near. i have had some experiance of terriers in my time but would not consider myself an expert by any means.i have bred and entered prt,teckel,jagd and fox terriers to rat,fox,badger,raccoon,pigs and deer.a bloody beginner would not entertain the idea of entering a pup at 12 weeks. i hope you have had some type of typing error in the original post??? i would expect you did not keep many of your pups and if they were not "good enough" for your needs why would you give them to your mates?? waidmann no typing error at all. im just saying what i know to be true as ive seen/done it myself. im sorry but we must have different opinions on what makes a good terrier and on my list its that it is born with the killing instinct not needing to encouraged to work at all if anything the more you have to hold them back the better Quote Link to post
charliehunter100 22 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 I can't believe the advice being given to an obvious novice by so called terrierman,4 month's of age is far too young to try and enter a terrier that still has its baby teeth,wait till the dog has its proper teeth fully down and can give a decent bite back,you'll only put the dog on a sickener and f*ck it up,it is cruel to enter a dog so young,at least wait 3 months or so,it is still a baby,yis,wirralman dogs off the right lines will easily kill a rat at 4 months i used to keep any litter of pups till 12 weeks old and would then try them on a rat and any that killed them without help id keep the others id give to mates and all the dogs i kept made the best dogs. might be just coincidence but its true. dont take this the wrong way but NO true terrierman refers to pups as babys its just not done as they are not babys and if treated like one will be ruined. im not saying he should expect it to kill the rats or not i dont no him or the dog but myself would expect a 4 month old to at least have a good go on one and to have had a fair few more by 7 months. im not saying it will be a top class ratter straight away and i know some dogs come good late but i find that the earlier you can get them out doing something the better they are learning all the time after all in any dog the 1st year is the most important. one of the best bitches ive ever dug to killed a rat under a pallet at 10 weeks old on her own accord i didnt even no it was there id only brought her out the kennel to show someone her as i thought she was to small and was going to sell her when all of sudden shes straight under the pallet and all over the rat. thank god i kept her rip old girl. charliehunter charlie 100,the lad came on looking for advice and your just not helping him with your stupid remarks,I called it a baby because thats exactly what it is,if your daft enough to act cruelly that's on your own head, but when giving advice to an obvious beginner I alway's err on the side of caution,this is an open forum that is monitored by anti's and the like,so,when giving advice try to be a little sensible as you don't impress me with your obvious machismo attitude,you are everything that is wrong with the terrier scene now,you have no care for our brave tykes that put their heads in places that you or I would never dare to do,before you mouth off about me not being a true terrierman you would need to know a bit about me,if you did make those sort of comments to my face you would not be standing for long,I have dug to dogs most of my 52yrs and owned a broad spectrum of dog's,from hard sorts to yapper's and have never got along well with people like yourself,I can only imagine the state of your kennel when there are rats running around outside it,god help the dogs you keep,you've probably killed more dogs than rats,clean your act up,respect your dogs and grow up a bit ,we're supposed to show the younger kids on here the right way,promote our way of life not give anti's the ammo to condemn us with,wirralman are you right in the head??? ive not acted macho at all your the one saying i wouldnt be standing long if i said it to your face, which i would do gladly. im older than you fella and can tell you dont no alot about terriers in truth but thats ok ill teach you if your willing to listen I NO FOR A FACT TERRIERS OF THE RIGHT TYPE WILL KILL RATS AT 4 MONTHS OLD IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES AND YOU CANT ARGUE WITH THAT. on to my kennels... when i had lots of terriers 30 years ago i rented an old pig shed off a good farmer mate of mine who is sadly no longer with us. it was all fully drained,wind/water proof and a good sized bed and run for each dog. half an hour with the hose pipe and the kennels where spotless no dirt or old food would be left lying around so rats would not interested in going in there. the other side of the yard was where the corn shed was and the rat was outside this under a pallet when someone came to look at the little bitch. ive never lost any dog due to not being looked after properly i couldnt do that as dogs are my life and them terriers in particular were making me extra money so they were very well looked after so get your facts right. like i said these are hard working dogs not babys as you call them and not being funny but ratting is legal so any antis reading wont find much will they??? explain what you mean or are to thick to write and can only express your thoughts with help from a smiley face??? and waidman you obviously no it all so ill leave you alone i really cant be bothered to argue with you as your points are bullshit Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted March 9, 2010 Report Share Posted March 9, 2010 no doubt your terriers were born game and "better" than all of the terriers i've ever owned and worked,no problem with that at all. we do have a difference of oppinion here bud, i would never consider entering a PUP of 12 weeks(just about weened if as you say you kept the litter to test for keepers). your last words made sense " the more you have to hold them back the better", sadly in the wrong context. out of this infamous litter how many did you keep? and how many dogs which did not" make the grade" were passed on?(this was the question i meant to be answeared). how many of those pups went on to be decent working dogs when in sensible hands? waidmann Quote Link to post
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