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A funny thing happened to me...

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I was brought up in the Devon countryside and spent my early life finding ways to bring bunny to the pot.

I always loved ferrets and ferreting but never had my own.

I've lived in the nearest town since the 80's and managed to keep up my hunting life but still no ferret of my own,no garden,no garage,no space.

One day in October 2004 I was in my back yard breaking up an old chest of drawers when I saw something out of the corner of my eye,yes you've guessed it, a stray.

She was nervous but friendly.An albino jill 3/4 grown.

I realised she had been living in our old outdoor toilet and quickly transformed the chest of drawers into a tempoary home for her.

I made local enquiries but nobody claimed her...could not believe my luck!

Everybody says i'm lying (wife and teenage kids included)! - as I've always dreamed of having a ferret of my own for bunny hunting.

I couldn't wait to try her and we soon became a team,what a great feeling the first catch was!

W'eve had some great outings,I am always amazed how gentle and even timid she is at home but show her a burrow entrance and she turns into the fiercest of hunters and works her little heart out for me.

I read all the books at the library,bought a locator on ebay and have built her all sorts of extensions with wood and bits of pipe found on skips.

This year I borrowed a hob from a local bloke and have kept one hob and one jill who have been out twice with mum and had a run around some burrows with her.

Anybody know why the mum recently kept biting the jill between her shoulder blades.Is this her way of sorting out the "pecking order" now that her daughter is about fully grown?

Thought i'd write something on here just to share my experience.

Happy hunting fellow ferreters.Mooster.

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