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when my 8 month old patterdale gets excited, like when she gets let out of her run after a while in there she starts making this funny snorting noise (she also does it sometimes when pulling on the lead)


I have been told it is reverse sneezing ! and to rub her throat when this happens !


can anyone tell me more about this, is it harmful or anything to worry about ?(she is fine after a few minutes) and is it something she will grow out of?

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If its what I think you mean, its when they get an irritation in their sinuses or nostrils: you know like if you try and clear the back of your throat and nose by snorting inwards. Dogs living/working in dusty/dry conditions are more likely to do it, but I had a lurcher that did it all her life from time to time: I reckon she just had sensitive sinuses.

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Hi, i have seen this in certain strains of terriers. It is nothing to do with their housing, indeed, some of those i have seen have been house dogs. I have always put my hand over their nose/muzzel and they wil stop it in a very short time. Keeping them calm is very important. :victory:

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