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ICABS urges ban on horrific ferreting

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Has any irish hunters had a look at this site- ban blood sports! tried to post the link for the write up on ferreting but it wont work so look for an article written on 25 july 2008.






Edited by paddy polecat
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Heres your link Paddy


Regards FT


Wow they just highlighed the bad things and explain nothing of the good things such as crop and livestock protection. its sites like this that are eventually going to get all forms of hunting band most members of them sites know nothing of the types of hunting that they are trying to get banned and just care about kepping the little cute foxes alive.



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Heres your link Paddy


Regards FT


Cheers FT for some reason I could'nt copy & paste the link sometimes my laptop has a mind of its own!


I cant understand the bulls**t these anti's come off with, they seem to think that controling rabbits using a humane method such as ferreting is not worth protecting crops from being destroyed and livestock/horses from breaking their legs in warrens. WTF?

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Heres your link Paddy


Regards FT


Cheers FT for some reason I could'nt copy & paste the link sometimes my laptop has a mind of its own!


I cant understand the bulls**t these anti's come off with, they seem to think that controling rabbits using a humane method such as ferreting is not worth protecting crops from being destroyed and livestock/horses from breaking their legs in warrens. WTF?

I'm with you on this one Paddy, one of the areas i ferret is an equine stud so they are very keen to keep the rabbits at bay.


Regards FT

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Cheers FT for some reason I could'nt copy & paste the link sometimes my laptop has a mind of its own!


I cant understand the bulls**t these anti's come off with, they seem to think that controling rabbits using a humane method such as ferreting is not worth protecting crops from being destroyed and livestock/horses from breaking their legs in warrens. WTF?


The ferreter dont help either does he ,brain ferrets and eye ferrets FFS , once or twice my ferrets have gone for the eyes or caught the back of the neck but most of the time they just bolt them wouldnt call them brain or eye ferrets , and giving the rabbits to the greyhound boys , :whistling: the way the antis turn that into live lures unbelievable the rabbits may have been dead and they were for food who knows . we all got to be careful what we say and to who , we dont need to give the antis any bullets to fire .

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It is not about Ferrets -

It is not about Pitbulls -

It is not about Guns -


It is about control - forcing a way of life through propaganda and legal tierany.


You can fight it by encouraging the medias to publish the truth!


They want all of your rights and will have their way as long as you let them!



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It is not about Ferrets -

It is not about Pitbulls -

It is not about Guns -


It is about control - forcing a way of life through propaganda and legal tierany.


You can fight it by encouraging the medias to publish the truth!


They want all of your rights and will have their way as long as you let them!





:thumbs: very true. they'll never stop...if they ban ferreting,snaring and trapping will be next.if that's banned,fishing will be next and it goes on....

they won't be happy til everyone does as they're told and sits at home in front of the tv eating there veggies! :icon_eek:

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