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Took my 2 young bitches out other day, one bitch bolted a fox from an earth and lost it after giving them the runaround. Didnt think she had made contact and never gave it a second thought. Following day her forehead swelled, closer inspection identified a small punture, I gave her a jab of penni. Although the swelling went down a lump appeared on her neck where I jabbed her, this is the second time this has happened and drew a conclusion that she must be allergic to penni, any body experienced this and if so what alternative have you used sucsessfully. Initially thought it was a secondry infection but not twice. The bitch is okay in herself, tail up and bushing today, so its not bothering her.





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dillan i seen this befour with my mate dog same thing they were puss in the lump he got it to the vets he said the penn was gone off :thumbs:


Cheers HH


Strange, Its refridgerated and expiry date runs out 20/12/2011,


Any one else

Edited by dillan
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dont worry about it , it will go down in a week or two, the most common course of this is your pushing it in either not enough or to far you need to be through the skin but not into the muscles underneath a common thing is you think you have gone through the skin but the bottom part stays on the end of the needle resulting in you injecting the pennicillin between the epidermiss and the bottom layer of skin this will result in a lump under the skin but it will go in a short while approx week to 2 weeks

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dont worry about it , it will go down in a week or two, the most common course of this is your pushing it in either not enough or to far you need to be through the skin but not into the muscles underneath a common thing is you think you have gone through the skin but the bottom part stays on the end of the needle resulting in you injecting the pennicillin between the epidermiss and the bottom layer of skin this will result in a lump under the skin but it will go in a short while approx week to 2 weeks


Cheers Topper, that did cross my mind, not that i`m incompetent mind, have jabbed mine many times over the years including boosters

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