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Hi the lad and me have just come back from a spot of ferreting had to dig one of the jills out when we got to her she was almost dead no blood just one bite mark under her chin she still alive has any one had any simular expierences thanks for looking


could be a rat bite maybe.

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ye could be its reley wierd she bolted one then she seem to get hung up after a while we dug down and found her im just wondering if it could of kicked her hard


i think if she had bolted one it is unlikely that it was a rat down there,i agree it could have been a well placed kick.How is she now?

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Hi the lad and me have just come back from a spot of ferreting had to dig one of the jills out when we got to her she was almost dead no blood just one bite mark under her chin she still alive has any one had any simular expierences thanks for looking


Is there no mark on top of it's head if there dry blood in her ears she could of been chomped by a fox mate is it a puncture hole under her chin? her eyes bulging? i had one a long time ago dog marked i wasn't watchin the mark off the dog netted up dropped the ferret in five min's ferret staggered out with her eyes poppin out i lefted the net picked her up stood up dog shot down half hour later we had a fox out(all my fault not spotting the dog marking fox)


regards mike

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How rats and rabbit's will share a burrow?

we have bolted rats quite a few times after having bolted rabbits first.mainly seemed to be when sets were on railway sides or along dikes and streams. makes you very wary of sticking your hand in. :icon_eek:

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