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foxing legends

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you here and read about old hare dogs all the time, surely there must be some well known exceptional fox dogs of old? what were they? how were they bred? how well did they do the job?? just thought id start this for the crack really, no specific reasons, just bored at 3 am, atb samstorm!

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I have personally seen dogs take double figures weekly.. single handed.. week in week out... are they well known.. probably to a close circle of friends... braggin off about what youve got in your ken

foxes years ago were every where just like rabbits ,and they was only frightend of the sound of a hunting horn ,they never associated a lamp with danger like they do today ,they would even take rabbit

The awesome first cross PUNCH a real fox dog

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Ive seen many a good lurcher that were keen on the foxes, but the most efficient and best by a mile was a half bred bull grey. Daytime hunting the fells, he could find a fox if it was on the hill wether it was to ground or lying up. Bolted, flushed from cover, on the lamp, ive never seen a more commited animal, and so efficient killing them the dog was looking for the next as it was dropping the dead fox from its mouth, it often hits them so hard and with such a powerful jaw that they didnt move again, stone dead. And though foxes were his bread and butter work, he liked other quarry too, certainly no one trick pony. :thumbs:

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well the one fox dog thats a legend here was a bitch called ''flash'' 23"tts a collie x an racey thing

i am going back 15 years or more she could kill foxes in seconds she was a topper at it, it was belong to a man here we called skinner lol , he show me all i know i not be hunting now only for him ,let just say i was wild in my younger days till i started lamping with him and his nephew that was my best buddy , i still call to him these days and he alway s has a good story about dog of long ago ,

alot of talk about this bitch , and there was two well knowen lurcher men would not beleive that this dog would kill a fox , they got him out one sunday and put me at this run where the fox always run's it a island type of place there a bank that cut across where the sea come in the fox comes along the bank out a sheep gap and across a big field, skinner stood there as the cover dog were barking away the fox came as he does along the bank out the sheep gap where flash was waiting in seconds it was killed back to where he was standing when he spotted the second fox on it's way again kill the fox, two out of two in minutes, the lads came over to see two big dog foxes flat out :toast:, she killing 100's of foxes in her time day and night , she was stolen twice and the second time was never seen again such a shame , a sad end to such a good bitch , this story has being told 1000 times i think even wag off here hear this story where he was here lol

atb sounder

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Guest 2GOOD

i had a dog years ago ,he done loads all single ,only prob was he would turn of my intended quarry if he caught wiff of a fox and go find that insted ,pluse he was a bullx . :D my one and only .mind you he had the work that made him so good .so i did not put it down to the bull blood :laugh:

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Well the majority of lads keep some decent fox dogs around my place,but some of these just take 1/2 a month,my one dog took 4 and 1 heavy one in one night,then he took 3 off the hill in a morning and hes taken a few twos in the lamp,he marks to ground,and will draw,but how and what would you class a good fox dog,horse,s for courses...this is the dog in the pic...knocking on a bit now but got two bitches comming up to take his place

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fencehopper, on most of my topics you have started an argument with someone over nothing, if you have nothing nice to say then dont say it, cant people just have a normal discussion without arguments over if a dog looks skinny or fat or what ever, pictures can be decieving,

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herd of a 23tts bitch that youse to do them regular 30lb no bull no collie/saluki ghound x hard blood whippet ghound had few pics up on before of the bitch does it need to be a legend to do foxs just my opinion think you get dogs that get smashed up a bit of them then you get a few clever dogs that get a nack of doing them season thing maybe different as didnt think there was as many to be seen regular to have a legend fox dogthumbs.gifthumbs.gif

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Guest fence_hopper

fencehopper, on most of my topics you have started an argument with someone over nothing, if you have nothing nice to say then dont say it, cant people just have a normal discussion without arguments over if a dog looks skinny or fat or what ever, pictures can be decieving,



sorry about that mate


bit of a legend down my way hasnt taken 100's but taken enough to of proven himself a good fox dog.


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during the recession of the early eighties we hunted foxes to sell for their pelts to a guy called cobbledick who was a fur trader,we recieved between 5pounds and 35pounds per skin,so we alway's kept good fox dogs,we quickly became very proficient at catching foxes without doing too much damage to the coat,our lurcher's were mainly collie/greyhound,deerhound/greyhound,saluki/greyhound crosses and all took to it easily,after a few bites they soon learned how to hold them so as not to get bit,once they master the choke hold it is no contest for the dog,some dogs bowl them over and pin, them other's pick them up and shake them.I don't think you will find a legendary fox dog due to the personalised nature of hunting them,its not like coursing were thousands of people spectated at an organised event,so reputations were soon grown quickly due to very nature of the sport and films were taken that enhanced their reputations further.you will find most lads had favourite fox dogs but none really of national renown,we had a special dog that stood 27tts,a saluki/greyhound that would go through anything to get a fox,easily the best we ever owned,had a good reputation locally but only to our circle of friends,wirralman

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This old girl accounted for over 300 foxes in her career day and night...retired now! dont know about being a legend but she was a good fox dog. She never yelped when she got bit she just got on with the job. Keano's Gripper and Big Max were also hard dogs on charlie.



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