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foot bleeding

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Guest alastair

help needed pls fellas dogs just cut foot,looks like the nail ,he wont let me near it,but will it the bleeding clot/stop or should i try and bandage it up.thanks

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You really need to see the source of the bleed. Get someone to hold him or tether him on a short leash, muzzle if necessary, soak it in a bucket with some hot water and loads of salt. Whilst its in the water, wash it with your hand gently. As you bring it out wrap it in a clean towel and apply pressure for a couple of mins . This should stop the bleeding, and allow you to see what is actually bleeding. If its a nail you may need a trip to the vet, it can be excruciating pain for a dog if the raw quick is exposed or torn. :thumbs:

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Guest alastair


ok thanks mate,after cleaning it i could see it was the nail ,looks like the outer nails come off leaving sore short nail/quick.hes limping but getting better.

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